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Im soo shy and he doesnt know i exist

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Im 14 and I am extrodinaly shy. I like this kid whos 16 but he's in my grade cause i started early and se stayed back in second grade. The point is he is really loud and has tons of friend, but we have almost identical personalitys (minus the shyness thing). We never talk and i cant tell my friends since they never shut up. How can i get him to like me ?

(im so desperate i started cutting my hip)

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I don't know why you'd cut your hip over that, or over anything!


The best thing you can do is first stop doing that, and then go up and talk to him yourself. Your friends shouldn't have to do it for you, especially if they "never shut up" because I'm just imagining what they'd say and it would only make the situation embarrassing for you I'd guess.


As hard as it will be to get yourself to approach him, it's really the best way you'll *really* get accross to him, and that's so important. Since you don't talk already, you'll want to make a really good first impression.


Since he's around a lot of people as you describe, and how you're shy, I think the best setting is when he's alone, maybe in the hallways and you spot him while nobody he knows could possibly pop up but then again that can be hard to predict.

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sooo tough.......ummmmm first, you could try finding an excuse, like demons said, like, ask him for help on something you know he does well.


And I agree, you should prolly tell someone you're cutting. Obviously if you're an introvert and there's internal things going on that get to be a bit much, you need an outward outlet, but don't let cutting be it!


Take up drawing or writing...

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sooo tough.......ummmmm first, you could try finding an excuse, like demons said, like, ask him for help on something you know he does well.


And I agree, you should prolly tell someone you're cutting. Obviously if you're an introvert and there's internal things going on that get to be a bit much, you need an outward outlet, but don't let cutting be it!


Take up drawing or writing...

seems odd that i used to be REALLY depressed and now i draw...and win awards for it...it makes it easier besides thats no reson to cut yourself!!i mean DEAR GOD!!!

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Im 14 and I am extrodinaly shy. I like this kid whos 16 but he's in my grade cause i started early and se stayed back in second grade. The point is he is really loud and has tons of friend, but we have almost identical personalitys (minus the shyness thing). We never talk and i cant tell my friends since they never shut up. How can i get him to like me ?

(im so desperate i started cutting my hip)



First off (HUG!!!!)




Ok, ok, some more breathing.




first off, please don't cut your hip anymore.


or yourself.


*shifty eyes*

*motions you to come in a little closer*


ok, this is what you do.


Find out where he hangs out, what he likes to do. Find out if you like to do, what he likes to do.


Start going there.


Hang out, talk to him. Also, if your friends won't listen, Kick em, and say Hey give me a second. I have an issue.

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if your friends won't listen, Kick em, and say Hey give me a second. I have an issue.


i agree i have to kick my friends @$$es alot...but there scared of me when im mad anyway couse frankly im pretty tuff...*talks to self*focus meagen focus*

um anyway think of it like meeting a regular friend couse thats basically what your doing cept you like him but you have to start out as friends first!so act like hes just a normal boy get over meeting him and then treat him like a friend until he gains feelings for you if he dosent its obviouse you werent ment to be



remember boys arent worth your blood(no offense boys but its true)

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Well cutting certainly isn't the answer!


Anyways, the fact is you can't MAKE someone like you, either they do or they don't. Though the fact is that if you don't make an effort you'll never know the answer, or 'what could have been.'


Believe me, I am shy when it comes to my current interests and I don't know how many times I let an oppurtunity slip through my fingers...and still do. I often come off as a snubby * * * * * or an 'ice queen', though the opposite is true.


Long story of the short, just try to strike a conversation or even a word, sometimes that one word can spark a line.

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I've been there (minus the cutting) you'll learn as you get older that men come and go. The ones you think are Mr right turn out to be wrong and the ones you don't crush on are proberbly the ones that treat you with the respect you deserve.


I'm telling you this while you're still young because one day you'll realise how important this is. You need to have self love and realise that you are worthy of being loved and you'll lose the shyness or at least not have it affect your life in a negative way to the point where you miss out on guys in the future. No one is worth cutting over! and if it makes you feel that bad let it go and concentrate on you until you feel comfatble with yourself and other guys. If this guy really likes you, he'll let you know, but he is more likely to approach you if your relaxed and open with him.


I hope this helps.

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