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Good day everyone,

I was born with inverted nipples. I was wondering how uncommon this is and what people think of them? I am embarrassed when the day will come when I have a boyfriend again and the first time he sees them. I have had mixed reactions with different people and if I really like him I don't want to scare him away or weird him out or anything negative!

Another problem I have is that I have spider veins on my thighs and stretch marks on my inner thighs. Any suggestions on how to get rid of these or at least lessen their appearance since bikini season is almost here? I would feel kind of dumb wearing shorts swimming....but what else could I do to cover my thighs up when Im swimming? I do have a bikini top that I wear with no problem.

Thank you for your advice on my inverted nipples and my thighs issues!!!

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Spider veins I know can be lasered. I am not sure that it is permanent though.


I think I have read that inverted nipples is a 1 in 30 thing so not that uncommon. I don't know this but I am guessing that there is cosmetic surgery solution if it is really affecting you.


Maybe it's worth consulting with a cosmetic surgeon to see what options are available to you.

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I wouldn't even worry about it. If he really likes you then he will accept you AND your flaws. I have inverted nipples and stretch marks on my thighs and hips, and calf muscles if you can believe that! My BF loves my boobs and loves my body, so honestly hun, I know its hard to contemplate, but try and love yourself no matter what, cause that's what will shine through. PS, Have you ever heard of Board Shorts? They are specifically for swimming and can come in cool colours to match your bikini! I wouldn't be caught DEAD on the beacu without them.

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I will never consider surgery for my inverted nipples. Although I did internet research it once, I was grossed out by the pictures and Im not one who would ever get plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery unless I got into a freak accident...so Im all set with that! I wouldn't be able to afford the laser for my spider veins...hello Im only 20!!

Phoenix- Thats great you have a great boyfriend.....I have had some BF's who loved them and then had some that thought they were weird and barely touched them. Mine are extremely sensitive though! I think it's because they are inverted!? Thanks for the advice and the sharing, you made me feel not so alone!

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No Way! Are you kidding! There are so many different kinds of boardies for girls! Long shorts, short shorts, mid shorts, and honestly they come in so many different styles and colours. Go into a surf or skate shop near you and have a browse. Being a surfie chick myself, I can't really go surfing in a string bikini! So I need board shorts just as much as my BF does!

PS. Cocoa Butter rubbed on stretch marks twice a day sometimes helps them to soften down a bit, and make them less angry looking.

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I have one inverted nipple lmao! yes, just one. But if i touch it and kinda play with it before anyone sees i can make it come out without anyone knowing.

I honestly had no idea anyone else had sucha thing and i would have never said anything about it.


I currently have a boyfriend who knows about my inverted nipple and he loves it. If you find a guy who likes you for who you are it wont matter, along with any other flaws you might think you have.

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well the last time i checked my friend thought that my stretch marks reminded him of a cat. and to him it is a turn on. so what may be ugly to some may be beautiful to another. it is what is on YOUR skin and u can't really remove all of it so you might as well be happy and appreciate the fact that u have those rather than cellulite or something worse.

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Oh yeah, I will look into board shorts...but won't I have to look in the men's section?????? because I haven't seen those in the women's section but haven't really looked either??


I'm not sure but there is probably a store in a mall near you named PacSun. They have a million different kinds of board shorts.

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You could start working out, swimming, biking. You will be amazed how much this will do to your self esteem and confidence.


Would a light tan be nice and make the veins less obvious?


Inverted nipples are no big deal.


As to surgery, avoid it until medically necessary as it also can go wrong.


You also always can be in charge of yourself and go researching the web about your concerns. (google)

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