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I need help. Any good advice?

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I am so screwed. I am in university and have an essay that is late. I have been suffering from depression big time and crying all the time. I know I need to do it but my mind is all over the place when I sit down to write it. I don't know what to do. It's not even a big essay! I should just hand something in so I don't blow the class.


Any advice?

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First you need to take a few deep breaths. Tell yourself to relax quietly in your mind. Focus on your breathing, dont pay attention to anything but the way it feels to breath in slowly and out slowly. Do this a few times to relax yourself. If your mind is racing with thoughts, dont try to ignore them, let them come in and let them go. Pay no particular attention to the thoughts, they will go as long as you acknowledge them but dont focus on any of them. Close your eyes and relax. Listen to all the sounds going on around you, again do not pay any attention to any specific one, just familiarize yourself with the sounds around you. Breathe slowly and relax. You can get through writing a paper for class... the depression you may want and go talk to someone about.


If none of this works, then go for a walk and try the relaxation exercise again when you come back. While walking look at everything... reaqlly see it as if it were the first time you saw it. Try to appreciate all the beauty around you.


hang in their, you can get the paper done... you will be ok.


be well,


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Do you know why you're depressed? It can't just be because of an essasy.

Do you like your school?

Do you feel under a lot of pressure or stress?

When is your paper due? I know you mentioned it's late, but did your teacher extend the date?

I could be of more help to you if I had a better understanding of your situation, or if I knew the answers to the questions stated above.

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Thank you all for your replies. That was my first post and I really did feel alone. Some good advice. I am working on the paper... well prodding through it right now. I may consider talking to my professor, I know I can get a note from my doctor. I only loose 10 % if I can get it in tomorrow. Wish me luck!


I have battled depression for quite sometime. It comes and goes, it hasn't been this bad in awhile. There is a lot that led to this. I was medication free for awhile and doing very well. Then I got mono and had to drop out of my classes for the fall semester and change all of my plans. I ended up gaining weight (from complete lack of activity during this time) and one thing after another has progressed since then. I am very stressed sometimes needlessly so. I have a very supportive boyfriend and a family that cares about me. (They are messed up though but what family isn't?) I've isolated myself more and more. This hasn't happened to this extent in quite sometime. I see my psychiatrist on Thurs and we will discuss what to do next.


I am very scared right now of almost everything and completely unmotivated. I will make sure to get better and not allow myself to completely self destruct. I have to finish my degree. I've taken too much time already.


Thanks again to the people who responded. It helped

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You sound like you have a lot of things worked out, good to hear you're getting through your assignment and have planned to see a psychiatrist. I know just how you feel, having personal issues flood me right when university becomes really demanding. Let us know how the essay went

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