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Hey Sea!


I usually lie down, get a drink of water, and put cold towels on my neck and forehead. If you are at work, get yourself away from others and away from the attention. It always makes my panic attacks worse.


Take really deep breaths, close your eyes and visualize something pleasant, focus on your breathing. You will be okay, I think the stress from last week is catching up to you. Hang in there chica!



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Yep, last week I got really exhausted and then the bf's parents stayed the night Sunday and I didn't sleep. My kitty cat was excitable because of everyone being around and jumped on my head all night trying to look out the window! Last night I finally slept but today still I'm pretty beat.


No gym for me tonight, time for sleep!!!

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First of all, DO NOT DRINK coffee or anything with caffine. Stay away from commercial processed foods.


Diet should contain plenty of vitamin B, brown rice, and healthy types of foods. You can also check health food store for aremotherapy, some things you can breathe in that will make you feel better. Take plenty of water.


That's the best advice I can think of. I've had panic-attacks a few years ago when I was in the court system, and dealing with some particular girl, and when I understand what you are going through. My mother would pray for me and plead the blood of Jesus over my head.


Anyway, hope you feel better.

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i have bad anxity.. and you have to relize that it is all in your head..

your the one thats making your body and mind feel like that..

you have to stop and really think that their is nothing wrong with you and tell your self "im doing this to myself, i have total control over my body.. if i can make myself have anxity i can get rid of it"

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