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Wow Melrich where were you when I was going through a very similar ordeal? LOL. I would listen to what Melrich has to say because it would have been so much easier had I of had this kind of info when I needed it.


Not eating or sleeping, etc yeah, been here and done that. Time will help along with a little sleep aid, ha. I stayed, worked through most of the problems but guess what, he has never admitted to the things that I had no physical proof for!!! He may never either!


10 kids!! well, there is one way you can get him to come around with the truth, child support for 10 kids ???? I know you want to work through things so maybe you can bring up the fact that if he doesn't come clean you will clean his paycheck . He may be willing to talk then.


I too feel this is not a casual friendship. That many texts and a PICTURE of her 'stuff' on the phone? That is just too much, did you tell her you seen her picture?


I know you said you love your husband however, sometimes love just isn't enough. No one can tell you when or why you should stay or leave. You are the one living in this hell and only you can decide whether to stay or when you have had enough and it's time to leave. you know when your heart has had enough or that your heart won't let him go and you want to continue.


There is life out there and you deserve to have a joyful one just as much as the next person so you have to make up your own mind to stay and try to work through it or leave and find someone who will be faithful.


If he admits to having an affair do you think he will do it again?? Take care of yourself and seek help, your kids need you and if you harm yourself over this it will affect them too. Best wishes..

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Doyathink, yes I told her I saw her picture but she had no response to it, guess some people just don't have any dignity.


What hurts more than anything, and trying not to get embarrassed here, the stuff they text between each other was the kind of texts my husband and I used together. He used the very words he used to me and asked her some of the "fun" texts I sent to him, which leaves me feeling dirty and kind of abused in a sense.


I call her every day but she has her phone set to voicemail, I just need the answer's/confirmation to try and build on. Guess that is obsessive but I don't care, I would run this b!*ch through the legal system at any cost for piece of mind, afterall, she knew he was married and had kids, even knew about this baby according to her, but, I don't have the strength.


I start my first session of psychotherapy/counselling on Monday, I can only hope that I find a way to get strong again. I feel emotionally bare though.


I just wish my husband could understand that I thrive for honesty, it was the best thing my father gave to me, the wisdom to realise that if you lie, the person you are lying to most is yourself. I so wish he were alive today.


I want to feel happy again, let my husband and kids hear me laugh instead of them asking why am I so sad.


There would be no way I could threaten to leave as I have nowhere to run, and to run would be a weak way out for me. My family disowned me 7 years ago due to depression so the only support I have is here within these walls.

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