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hi i dont know why but all i want is to die, i have tried to kill myself a few times before but i am still here. i hate how this world is alot of people dont even care about the people on the other side of the world who desnt even have a roof overthere head and they go to bed hungry, the world is spose to be about careing but no one cares where ever i go people is treating other kids like crp. friends come and go, well i dont even know if i can say i have ever had a real friend in my life they just turn there back on ya. and there is one thing i cant stand and that is people who rape people that makes me so darn sick how can you hurt someone so much, people that get raped never get over it, it sticks with them for life. maybe in complaining to much but all of this just makes me think there is no point in even living.

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I was in your shoes not so long ago. I am a survivor of child and sexual abuse. I kept everything bottled up inside for years. I never told my parents anything about the sexual abuse until I was 32, and they were the only ones besides 3 other people who knew. My mother passed away last year, and afterwards I sank into a very deep depression. I stopped eating, stopped going out of my house, and generally gave up the will to live. If it hadn't been for my 3 friends, I wouldn't be here today writing to you.


Are you seeing a counsellor or any type of therapist? That sounds like a good place to start, to me. And, you don't have to worry that they won't believe you, or that they will laugh at your fears. I just started counselling about 7 months ago.


I still have ups and downs. But I feel like I am in a place now where I can maybe help someone else who's going through the same thing. If you need a friend to talk to, please feel free to PM me. I've had a lot of experience helping people in the last 20 yrs or so. I was a paramedic. I have seen people at their best, and at their worst. And I know what it's like to feel that you don't have a friend in the world. Please, the next time you feel like hurting yourself, either call the suicide hotline or your local Emergency Department at the hospital. And remember, you can always PM me if you need someone to listen to you. I am totally impartial and nonjudgemental.

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Hey There!

I'm was recently raped. Please hang in there. I almost committed suicide as a result of what happened to me.

Things will be okay. I can totally relate to how you feel.

I know things will get better because I've been feeling the same way.

But I feel better now than I did early today.

Live for the "up moments" they're coming.

It's a hard, hard road. I'm just at the beginning of this journey and at times it has been a complete nightmare.

At times you won't know who your friends are. But please hang on.

The rapist isn't worth your life.

I wish there was something I could say to encourage you, although sometimes I have difficulty encouraging myself.

I just want you to hang in there, because I'm hanging on too, and being understood by others has brought me extreme comfort during these times.

You will find someone who will make you feel understood.

There are so many supportive people on this website.

Just vent all you need to and let it out.

You aren't alone.

Rape is a horrible thing. But I believe life will get better.

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Is the world actually supposed to be about caring? There is no proof of that. I'll be the first to admit my life outlook isn't that warm and fuzzy, but I feel it's practical.


If you really look at the world objectively, it is full of good and bad to the extent that overall, it's probably neutral.


Neutral things are blank things - if that makes sense? Blank means you can customize it. You can choose to see the better parts and people of the world and be an optimist, you can choose to see the (admittedly extraordinary amount of) disgusting actions and individuals and be sad and depressed (and with fair reason, on one level)...or you can realise that all you can do is affect your own corner of the world.


Will you make no impact and hurt no one, but do nothing actively good to change? That's one option. That's fine and fair enough - no ASKED to be born. No one HAS to do anything.


Will you attempt to impact positively, recognising that whilst you cannot change the world, you can make a major impact on the lives of a few lucky individuals?


Or will you let negativity consume you? That spells death on one level already.


Go outside in a good mood.


Go inside, and get depressed.


Step outside again.


The world hasnt really changed. Your head has. It's your head you can alter, not the workings of the world.

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You are so right, Gracelove, it does get better. I am sorry you have had this recent trauma.

I had terrible emotional pain that I didn't know what to do with after I was raped. (I was 15, he was a stranger). I made a conscious effort to walk right into that pain, to talk about it, face it, get on top of it, and I eventually got past it. I got to the point where it doesn't really matter anymore. It will always be a part of me, but that sick, twisted criminal who raped me is not going to ruin my life. I have put things into perspective, and it allowed me to get through the anger and the pain. You are absolutely right in that this needs to get out, that we need to vent about it.

Face it. Talk about it. A LOT! Till you are blue in the face.

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Gracelove, I've been wondering how you have been. Could you send me a PM? I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to go through this, but you are on the right track, I think. Friendsforlife, here's another friend for you. See, you are not alone. We are all here for you. You do have friends. We care.

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it is so great that YOU are thinking about this stuff. why don't you go help fix some of the problems? work at a homless shelter or a domestic shelter that kind of thing. instead of making these things get you depressed get up and do something about it.

as for the friends thing you have us here and there HAS to be at least one person that likes you, maybe you just dont know it yet

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It seems to be that you want to escape from this stupid world we live in. Maybe you can actually find a purpose to live, like helping others. You seem concerned about the innocent and as you know, people always need help. So maybe you can devote some of your time to helping others. The feeling you'll find when someone thanks you for all you've done for them is undescrible. It's probably the greatest feeling ever.

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men/woman to do nothing.”


I take that to hart, if the world is evil and bad then make your lifes work making it not so. Each day one day at a time I do from the evil in my own hart to that I see around me. Do good as much as you can in as meny ways as you can.

To kill ones self it do let what which you hate so much win, if you where raped then help other who have been as so meny do here. Become an oficer of the law or work with rape groups to stop it.


I hope my words help

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