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I am in a long distance relationship and it has been around 5 months my boyfriend told me this morning that his ex is saying that she is pregnant with his baby. Apparently she went round to his place last night crying and told him. The last few months he has been getting threatening phone calls and text so he changed his number. Also a few times when he has been out in the pub with his mates and she has been there with her mates words have been said and her mates have started on my boyfriend. So really I don't know what to believe is she only saying it to get back at him or get back with him. I have told him if he still has feelings for her then to go back with her and be a family if they kid is his. I just don't know if I can cope with all this do you think I should just let him deal with it and be there for him. Him having a baby would not bother me just so confused?????

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IMHO, it speaks for him if he told to you right after knowing himself.


About the threats, are they little mafiosi or what?


Your relationship with him is what counts, be supportive, affectionate and have plenty of time for relaxed talks with him, but do not push him. Guys in trouble like to hide a bit and come around slowly...


About an eventual baby conceived before your time, it's commendable you do not blame him, but he should get independent pregnancy test and in due course DNA test done. Also consider eventual alimony issues.


Lots of (also female posters) on this forum are very supportive, but most are asleep now

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