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underachieving, coming to soon...!!

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I'm really frustrated right now. I feel like I'm 'underachieving' when having sex with my girlfriend. Me and her haven't been together for too long, and we've only had sex several times, but in these times I've been coming far sooner than I'd like to and than I usually have. I've gotten her to orgasm even though this has happened previous times, but not today. Which is why I'm seeking advice. It just somewhat bothers me that I'm coming too soon with her, it lasts about 10 minutes and that's it. I'm not embaressed, I know I can do better, but I just don't know why this is happening. At first I thought it might be because I was nervous since it was the first few times with her. But I don't think so... there must be something I can do?

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  • 2 weeks later...

U should try stoping for about 5 minutes when u get close to orgasm and just kiss each other and touch each other, then keep doing that until ur ready, i've heard u have a much better orgasm when u do this, it might even spice things up a bit more. good luck

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if your relationship is open enough i think you should talk to her about it.. and ask her what she thinks..

not that long ago my boyfriend approached me about his proformence and it showed that he cared about making me feel good..

i think once you ask her about it you will feel more confortable with her.

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