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Anyone else here dislike (sexual) attention?

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i suppose it's flattering to be found sexually desirable and that they want to sleep with me.


but im not sure how flattering it is, when that's all they want. i have seen men eye my legs, my breasts, my stomach, me.....up and down. comments on my body. very strange.


i do not understand the male sex drive. how can they get turned on by a girl they dont even know just based on sight??? shouldn't they get to know me first??


Teacup, I'm a girl and I'm guilty of checking out people. Nope, don't need to know you to see if you are attractive or not to my eyeballs. lol.


I think honestly, there is not a one of us who does not like to be found sexually attractive to others. Even the ones in baggy clothes! There's a difference though in getting healthy attention, and having to deal with people who aren't so good with boundaries/creeps. That's the attention we don't want, eh?!

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As itsallgrand said, it is natural to check people out from a sexual perspective. It is just instinct. We are just "high end animals" after all.


Plenty of girls have sexual thoughts when looking at men.


I even have experience with girl using my body, having a ride on top of me and physically hurting me and not let me finish either. She was not a bad girl, just selfish and ignorant. Sure, she did not keep me for long.


There are selfish people which only need something and never think about giving. I like to learn about these people too, why they are like that.


Life breeds all permutations and one ought to look at every relationship anew.

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i do not understand the male sex drive. how can they get turned on by a girl they dont even know just based on sight??? shouldn't they get to know me first??



Nope, we are looking for females that have the characteristics of a good breeder (whatever that is, instinct or learned characteristics).



And to be honest, would you go on a date with a guy you didn't liked at all phisically?

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