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i was a virgin when i had sex and my partner wasnt .. i envied her .. is this natural how am i suppose to get over this .. envy /// ps she only had sex with one other guy ..twice ... we;ve been having sex .. for like 4 times now ... unprotected as well ...

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ps she only had sex with one other guy ..twice ... we;ve been having sex .. for like 4 times now ... unprotected as well ...


Are you ready to be a father? Just wondering. I hope she is at least on the pill if you're not using condoms.


In response to your question: If you feel this way it is a sign of insecurity. You can't change a person's past. Focus on the present. The guy she slept with is an ex for a reason. She's with YOU now.


If he was so great- she'd still be with him.


You are going to take away from your enjoyment of sex if you keep wondering how you compare to the other guy.



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First off, why are you having unprotected sex? Not only is there a risk of STI (not all show symptoms) but there is a also a very big risk of pregnancy without using protection.


As for the anxiety over her past - we all have pasts of some sort. If you end up parting ways with her, would you want a future partner to hold your past with this girl against you? Probably not, right? She is with you, not with this other guy, so you have to just move on and keep the past in the past!

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yeh , prior to her ive never had sex... but i was very out going ... im good looking etc people think ive had multiple partners.. i didnt have trouble gettin girls at all.


Also Im not insecure she told me i give her very good sex and she looks forward to it every day .. its just that ...i always wanted a virgin fiance... to marry. Its a personal preference , my ex was a virgin, that i know of to this day. and my current girl friend isnt ... so my problem is i wish she was and that , we were each others first time... do u see what i mean ..

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Also Im not insecure she told me i give her very good sex and she looks forward to it every day .. its just that ...i always wanted a virgin fiance... to marry. Its a personal preference , my ex was a virgin, that i know of to this day. and my current girl friend isnt ... so my problem is i wish she was and that , we were each others first time... do u see what i mean ..


The fact remains that she isn't, and wishing that she was isn't going to change that. The only thing that will change is your relationship if you continue to be so hung up on it.

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