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So is sex really overrated?

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2Smart, there's no way I enjoy being miserable.


Then get at 'er and do somehting about being miserable. I agree with 2Smart Shakur. No one lieks to be around miserable people, except maybe other miserable people. Its draining, tiring and overall unsatisfying. If you really want to change you will and not just talk about it.

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2Smart, there's no way I enjoy being miserable.


Never said you were enjoying it...just that some people are content being that way...meaning comfortable. It's familiar. It may suck like a Hoover, but it's safe.


They're too comfortable and familiar being miserable and too afraid of the unknown to do anything different.

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Never said you were enjoying it...just that some people are content being that way...meaning comfortable. It's familiar. It may suck like a Hoover, but it's safe.


They're too comfortable and familiar being miserable and too afraid of the unknown to do anything different.


You could be right, trying to be positive and having hope just always seems to lead to soul crushing disappointments for me.

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If you continually focus on the negative, that's all you will ever see.


You could have the most amazing good fortune fall in your lap, but if you are bound and determined to find the negative, then you will deem that blessing a curse and call yourself unlucky.

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I genuinely believe what makes some people comfortable is to find proof of their own shortcomings. It seems to vindicate their misery, and they also look for explanations of how the world is stacked against them. Easier than changing, but there's no future in it.

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If you continually focus on the negative, that's all you will ever see.


You could have the most amazing good fortune fall in your lap, but if you are bound and determined to find the negative, then you will deem that blessing a curse and call yourself unlucky.


Nah that ain't true.

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At least 80-99% of the people on here and a good portion of them women, have told you being positive is attractive to women. That should be crystal.


Until you become positive there is no real point in belabouring the issue of having a GF. The only way to find some positivity is to get out there and try things and fail and then succeed. I am not talking about dating I am talking about getting a job, going to school, playing sports, playing music etc etc whatever.


You mentioned something about your mother that made me think she is overbearing and controlling. I have a few mates wiht mothers like this and they all seem to be quite anxious about making decisions, changes etc.


Do you think moving out and getting some space might help?

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Nah that ain't true.


I've worked at radio stations my entire adult life.


You wouldn't believe the number of people who are fortunate enough to win a nice, big prize (like a car, or week-long vacation, or large sum of money) and then complain about it.


Things just are. It's up to each individual to define the good or bad in it.

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You could be right, trying to be positive and having hope just always seems to lead to soul crushing disappointments for me.




disappointments happen all the time to everyone. Welcome to the real world....


You can't dwell on the negative, you must think positive and learn from any mistakes that happen. You need to stop hiding and let people see you, be very visual, not invisible and women will notice you more!!!




What is your mother like? overbearing, abusive, demeaning?

Father? still together? Mother blames every guy for anything?


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At least 80-99% of the people on here and a good portion of them women, have told you being positive is attractive to women. That should be crystal.


I know but it's hard because of what I explained earlier, especially since I don't know if it will still definatley get me a woman.


Until you become positive there is no real point in belabouring the issue of having a GF. The only way to find some positivity is to get out there and try things and fail and then succeed. I am not talking about dating I am talking about getting a job, going to school, playing sports, playing music etc etc whatever.


You mentioned something about your mother that made me think she is overbearing and controlling. I have a few mates wiht mothers like this and they all seem to be quite anxious about making decisions, changes etc.


Do you think moving out and getting some space might help?


Maybe, I would like to move out, but I need to decide about what I'm going to do and then do it so I can get myself an okay place, I don't want to just move to some crappy flat in a bad area.

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I know but it's hard because of what I explained earlier, especially since I don't know if it will still definatley get me a woman.


Well you can never be sure or know anything if you dont.........TRY.


Maybe, I would like to move out, but I need to decide about what I'm going to do and then do it so I can get myself an okay place, I don't want to just move to some crappy flat in a bad area.


You need to start looking first. Maybe moving to another city. I lived in Edinburgh smack dab in teh centre by the castle and St Giles Cathedral. Place was not too bad although not the best but good part of town. RENT = 25 pounds a week. Point is there are places to be had, you need to look.


Now you didnt directly answer if your mother is overbearing. Is she? Does she seem to want to control your life and decisions?

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Ross K, like everybody else says, dont focus on your shortcomings because if you focus on that, you will give it off to other people and drive people away from you or turn people off. You have a lot going for you. So, focus on the positives, what you feel good about, or what people here think is good about you. Focus on those positives and forget the negatives because negative thoughts will make you undesirable to people and make people bored of you.


My best friend is very negative on himself and he looks at everything as being against him. For example, if it is raining or the traffic is bad, he takes it as God being against him. He tires me out with his constant complaining and his life isnt that bad. He has a decent job, makes good money, owns a house, and has a lot of money saved up, yet if you hear him talk, you would think that he is one paycheck from the poorhouse and that nobody likes him.



Ross, if you were here, I would take you out for a cup of coffee. I think you are a nice guy.

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So are you originally from Scotland? How did you get to live in America,? i've always wanted to live in America.


Yes, my mum is overbearing, and it's like she want's to control my life.

Nay scottish, in blood though. And ahem, I am Canadian. Now go brush up on your geography, we are more than the big Pink spot at the top of map you know!


Listen man liek I said you have some striking similarities between a a few mates that have what I would consider over bearing moms, but thats all point of views. Moms always love you and they act in what they think is in your best interest but sometimes its not what IS in your best interest. I really think you need to break away from her. I cant be more plain and blunt about it. Nothing else will change unless you do that. All the other stuff is like pulling the top off of weeds. You need to pull out the root as well.


After all it is YOUR life not your mothers and you shoudl and deserve to live it how YOU see fit. Not how your mother sees fit. What she thinks about your life is totally irrelevant. And Ross if you dont learn how to fend for yourself first, what are you goign to do when she passes on? Sobering but true.

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