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Is this a game or am I just nuts?

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I had a fight with my bf last week. I hadn't talked to him in a few days - no emails, nothing. Sunday night he leaves me a message (sounded a tad buzzed from being out watching the Baseball game) and he said "I miss you. I'm so sorry things turned out like this. I want to be with you all the time even though I'm not good at showing it. Please, please talk to me."


So I call him back must have been a little over an hour after he left the message and I didn't leave a message but it rang four times and went to voice mail meaning his phone was on. It will show that he had a missed call and it will show it was from me.


Well, I haven't heard a word since. Usually he would call me in the mornings around 9 am. It's almost 12:30 pm and no return phone call. How on earth could this make sense?? Any thoughts??

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It could also be possible that his phone was on but he didn't get any service? I've had that happen where people would call me and it wouldn't show up on caller ID because I had bad service wherever I was. So, it may just be that he doesn't know that you called.


This is what I would do: Call him one more time and leave a voicemail asking if he could call you back (if he doesn't pick up). If he doesn't call back in the next few days, e-mail him. If he doesn't reply to that either, then there is nothing else you can do about talking to him unless he comes to you, so you may need to just give it some time to let the argument completely blow over.

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I really really would not worry about it. There could be a billion reasons he hasn't had the chance to get back to you yet. As other posters said, you can always call him again, or e-mail him if you don't hear back from him soon. It was a sweet message that he left, even if he was buzzed, so it seems he would be receptive to talking with you.

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