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Magic Personality

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I'm sure there have been previous post about this and I know every woman is different. But is there a magic personality trait that women really dig?


I consider myself hott, intelligent, confident pretty much to the point where I'd say anything to anyone and sometimes I go too far, i think. I'm not rude about it and I don't intentially try to piss people off or anything.


Any tips on body language, tone of voice, etc...?

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Compliment on peoples looks..whether its a shirt, a smile...the fact that they look like a model...Its a good thing...


tone of voice...just use your regular tone. I personally love a man with a deep voice..


ummm i wouldn't change my bluntness for anyone...they should just take it as it is...Maybe when you do like become a little blunt, just make it as if you aren't mad about it, saying something after wards to lighten up the mood, like im just throwin it out there...or something of that nature

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do NOT be blunt or too forward!! it is SUCH a turn off!!! #1 for me and alot of women I know is SENSE OF HUMOR! nothing sexier than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whatever you do. don't come off TOO confident...it may be mistaken for cocky..major turn off! (even if you ARE hot)......got a pic by the way?..hehe

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I find a caring attitude very 'magical' for me.

Someone who's personality allows for others to enter, be seen, heard.


Openess and loving (not just to me but to the environment around).


That's the magic key for me. You don't even have to be super-confident if you show a good heart.

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Don't come on too strong...


Confident, but not cocky.


Willing to makes jokes at his own expense (I like to do it myself).


Honestly, just be yourself...and if the girl in question doesn't like it, then shes probably not for you...

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I'm sure there have been previous post about this and I know every woman is different. But is there a magic personality trait that women really dig?


Genuine interest in what I am saying and intelligent follow-up questions


I 'dig' really smart, 'nerdy' type guys that know what's going on in the world....i.e., it's never a bad idea to brush up on your current events.


Good Luck!

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Haha, I have an exact example from last night. I consider myself, about like you, I can do well with meeting girls and new people etc, but there is still something you feel like you lack. It's completely all in the way you present yourself, like you said, we have confidence, and a great sense of humor, that's what most women will fall for ASAP...not all, dont take it literally and flame me haha. But again, I still feel like I'm just not that kind of guy. As for my example...


Last night I was out for a friend's birthday party, and we were all dressed up in 80's costumes/wear etc... It was a good time, but there was one guy in our group, he was not really strong, not the best looking guy around, just tall and kinda lanky, but he had great confidence haha. He was wearing this wig that was HUGE, like it was poofy hair that kinda looked like Jesse's from the show Full House ...except much higher and crazier. He went over to not one, two groups of girls in bachelorette parties, and hit it off with ALL of them. He even kinda-sorta hit on the bride-to-be for the fun of it(no real intentions). I asked him later about how he was doing so well, and who he was probably gonna hook up with. He said he wasn't going to hook up with any one of them, but I asked him how he did that looking that crazy. He just said "Cause there's no way in hell any girl would think a guy with this sort of outfit could truly be hitting on them, and really what they notice is that they can laugh and have a good time with me." And basically that was true, he ended up getting pictures with like all of them at the place we were out at. He didnt explain much more, because we all left, but that's what it is...just pure confidence and humor, even one of my good friend's who'd known him for years said he's always been like that.


I mean, I think I get understand what you're getting at though, this guy just has that *magic* personality that all these women loved to be around. I can entertain maybe one or two girls at once if I feel confident enough, but he walked into a group of like 10 and they accepted him like they'd known him forever haha. I dont know, just an example...

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