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should i lose my virginity?

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I didn't lose my virginity till I was 21. Then again, it's not like I had a boyfriend before my current one or had any options. I'm glad though I waited because my boyfriend was so good about it and was honored that I chose to explore sex with him. I don't think I could have just done it with anyone like some folks can. I wanted it to be special.

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It's just not right to think of your virginity as something to lose for the sake of getting along with the crowd. Why allow yourself to be the object of influence by these girls that have had sex? They've had sex and their experience happened the way they wanted. You have your own mind and you, in your post, have said to yourself what you wanted. "i mean i dont think id want to have sex with the wrong person as iv always believeed to lose my v with someojne very special and think we will be together for quite a long time." Most of the girls around may have had sex but what does that has anything to do with you? Your belief is to have your virginity for someone special. Why throw your belief aside for the sake of getting with the crowd?

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Wait, you're 16 and in college?!?!

what can I ask whats wrong with that???


Maybe im missing something here but in sunny England we have 3 choices when we get to 16. One is leave school, the second is stay in school and go into the 6th form and final choice is collge.


Im guesing it is different in America then.


And hehe I think everyone has given a unanomous decision here. Don't loose it with just anybody. I lost mine at 17 with some girl I loved, we broke up 2 months later but hey atleast I was inlove at the time



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It is unrealistic to think there is "someone special for you".


Sex/virginity really is not such a big deal any more. This works in your favour well - it doesn't matter whether you've had it or not. Really. And although some people are hellbent on losing it, your life doesn't change afterwards. You are still the same person. Like everything else, sex can be good, it can be bad, and you certainly don't need it to be a fulfilled person.


I'd say that as long as you


Are of legal age

Use protection against pregnancy

use protection against STDs

Don't feel at all used by the other person


Then just go for who the heck you feel like, and don't associate it with long term love or a good relationship, which are different things. See sex as a recreational pastime and a nice extra bond in a good relationship.


This is just the view of a liberal, though.

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>It is unrealistic to think there is "someone special for you".


Actually, the first person should to be somewhat special or there won't be enough of a connection to be comfortable enough to let it happen.



>Then just go for who the heck you feel like, and don't associate it with long term love or a good relationship, which are different things.


I have 4 women that still smile wide when they see me because I was their first.


My ex wife was basically forced into it her first time (not me) and It took a while to help her w/ that baggage that carried over because of it.



>See sex as a recreational pastime and a nice extra bond in a good relationship.


yep, it can be as long as there's no baggage or fears...

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If you are posting this question, "Should I lose my Virginity," on this site, the answer is NO you should not. It sounds like you are feeling like you should lose your virginity because all of your friends are. That is not a very good reason. Sex requires a lot of responsibility, as there is always the risk of pregnancy and STDs. I don't feel it's a topic to be taken lightly.


I'm actually still a virgin at the ripe ol' age of 28. It's easy to feel like you are missing out on all of the fun, but there's many more important things to spend your time on than just sex or worrying about the lack of. If your friends are teasing you about your virginity then maybe it's time to get some other friends who will respect you for who you are and your values.

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I have a male friend who is still virgin at age of 28. So, you see no need to worry about it when you're sixteen.

Some people are ready sooner, some people later. It depends on various factors - your caracter, your confidence, your maturity, your beliefs...there is no magic formula about when is the right time - it's not some sort of a science.

I slept with a guy for the first time 3 years ago - so it took me a while obviously. In my case I know from todays perspective I've done the right thing because I wasn't ready before and now I'm mature enough to deal with making love, with just friendly sex....and I really enjoy it. Sex can play tricks with your emotions so wait till you feel emotionally ready because physically you are ready way to soon.

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Save it for the right guy, and you'll be able to remember it as a special event. Abstinence is better than bad sex, and less messy.


havent read all comments.. but i compleatly agree!! wait until you meet someone you love and trust! you are uite young anyway so i wouldn't worry about it too much!



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