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With This letter, I state Everything. :(

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I'm not sure how i feel about you anymore.... on a friendship level i was happy to have meet you, and honored to talk dance and just hang out. I thought things over a lot, After that night you didn't show up at the hide out, i was feeling depressed and sad, i was Crushed to have learned by john that you went with rob, instead of coming to the hideout where you had originally planned to be, on Tuesday, we talked about it...and on Wednesday. I just wanted to make sure your plans were staying the same, I went to the Club, arrived at 9:50. Didn't see you, so i patiently waited all night, i watched the door, thinking that you were going to be up there. an hour went by...than 2 more, I tried to dance, but couldn't, The DJ played Picture....That just Hurt, It made me think of you, and made me upset even more, I put my head down on the table for a short time, seemed like an hour, trying to remain optimistic that maybe you were running late, But those thoughts soon passed after i looked at the face of my watch and noticed it said 1:43 a.m.


I Checked the Kinetic Gears of My watch to make sure it didn't stop self winding due to the Stagnant position of me sitting at the bar facing the exit. for so long.... waiting, wondering, but to my disappointed the time was correct, it went by so fast.. Me in such a DEEP state of mind, that i didn't realize i dropped my wallet from the grip of my hands, and almost lost 458.00 but was recovered by a honest waitress, who noticed my ID and returned it...After that i didn't know what to do. I just watched the parking lot, watching everyone walk in and out. but never saw you enter, I looked at who was dancing, noticed many people having fun, But Not me, I felt alone...i didn't know anyone except john, He approached me and said "You OK", I just stared at the door. At that point i asked if you were going to show up..he told me then that you weren't. i didn't know what to think at that point.


I guess why I'm having these STRONG feelings for you is because i knew that you were one of a kind when i first meet you, the weekends passed, and every time they did i was trying to get an understanding of WHAT YOU WANTED....Only Thing that was important. Nothing else, I didn't care about anything else, that Friday i bought you a rose..It was From my heart. from inside, that is all i could show you, who i was inside.


Maybe that is the problem.? I'm to much of a compassionate person. I show to MUCH, of what i am. I'm just myself, that is all i can be towards everyone. and with you i TRIED !!! I tried to let you know, thought i was feeling the same from you, Now my mind is Twisted, i should of showed you more, i wanted SO Bad to take you out, Dinner, Movie, WHATEVER... You wanted I would have done...you Come First. i can't begin to think otherwise. I asked if you would of liked to go out for dinner, i suggested lorenzo's, I called for arrange and a price Quote for a Limousine, 137.00 for 2 people, Fully willing to pay whatever, just to show YOU a good time. that is all i wanted, Nothing more...! but there was one problem with that, you were in a relationship already.


Now I'm confused, I can't figure out what it is about you Jennifer? You don't find to many girls like yourself. I think about going to the club every week and the main reason for that would just to be able to see you. the first time we meet i knew you were different, in so many good ways....Well words can't be filled in......Every time we danced, we laughed, played darts, Said our goodbye's, And the Slow dance (Something i just simply enjoyed to the fullest) Every time you were around me, i felt so Complete, like for the first time someone liked me, For who i was.


I call you, Leave messages..no return, I call again. same thing........I'm at the point were I'm ready to say Forget it, Stop being myself, I'm NOT getting anywhere with it, I buy you a rose to show my appreciation, i tell you how i feel about you, You seemed interested in me.. And now I'm starting to think that was all pre-scripted...like i was just someone on the side.


Then after a week, i came to my senses, It was Extremely hard to Grasp what i was feeling. Why i was having these emotions. What made them so incredibly Powerful.? I thought a lot about you. and a lot about what is best. i guess the only TRUE answer to that would be; for you to be happy. and if your happy. I'm happy, Knowing that i won't be upset anymore. i just want to remain your friend, i don't think these feelings are going to go away over time. but than again "Change is Good" and i should stop trying to interfere with you and Rob In a Relationship. So i would Like for you to promise me ONE thing. If your uncomfortable with me being around, than Let me Know. be 100% honest. That is all i can ask.



is this too DEEP>? please comment

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Hi there,

too deep for ? If you are thinking of giving it to her, then yes too deep. If I am getting this right this is a girl you were just getting to know, not someone you had yet had a realtionship with..

I say write the letter in order to pour out your feelings, but then leave it at that. I can understand you being hurt by her not showing that night. But she has made it clear she is not into seeing you, I would leave it at that.

Sorry sweetie...


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i wish i knew how old you and your friends are, so i know what kind of comment to make, but what i see, is someone very young, someone who is in search of love, and eager to be loved. yes i do think your letter is much too deep, for someone who just danced with someone, the girl has a boyfriend, you should just drop it and have fun, also with no insult here, just an observation, i think your letter is very desperate for her to feel sorry for you, and then maybe you would like her to see you, because she would feel sorry for you, trust me, you dont want a relationship that is based on pity, or feeling sorry for the person, it sounds like your making a big thing out of nothing here, did she make a date with you? why did you go there with your male friend, why not with her if it was a date, and you mentioned you wanted a limo, wow this is a bit much to grab a pizza with some girl you like, if you do things like this now, when you are really in love with someone, you wont have any other special things to do for her, as you have already done them all, so i say, enjoy your youth, have fun, dont take things so seriously, and dont be so deep, it scares people off, sorry, but its true, take care, debbie

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yes, this date was planned.


I'm just over reacting to this To much i guess, i need to move forward. continue with out Dwelling over this SMALL incident. It's Nothing, Iv 'e cried and thought about this. and the letter because this DATE was set-up, It was just me and her, or was going to be.


But her Boyfriend changed everything. he is such a Jerk. i can't stand him, he puts her last all the time and she seems to be cool with it? It is just annoying to see her feel so uneasy around him. but yet...its something i need to Put aside..


I wont let her know about this letter, or i wont give it to her, But i sure let her know that i was upset by not seeing her up there that night.

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Hey, sorry you are feeling yucky about this. And I think it is a good idea to just leave it alone. And in this last post you are now saying she has a boyfriend? Well then it makes sense why she did not come.....My best advice to you is don't get involved with someone unless they are unattached. Its nothing but trouble.

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