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This gets on my nerves

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Ok, it has taken me quite sometime to move on from this girl that is the first girl I ever cared about. I get the occasional text or call but I recover faster and faster. when she creeps into my mind I shake it off a lot quicker then when she would contact me in the beggining. I'm more resilient now days from all the maturing that I have gone through. 9 months ago my life was falling apart, I stayed up later, slept in, got fired because I couldn't go to work on time, didn't eat, thought about her constantly, didn't want to have fun, it's all I thought about. Now I go out and meet new people, I talk to my friends that I didn't treat very well becasue I was so blind to everything, and I'm doing good.


No one in my family even knows who this girl is, or that she is what I was so sad about for months on end. They just give me comments about am I looking so depresseed, not knowing it's because i'm grieving over her. They speculated it was over a girl, but I just denied it. I keep things like that very private because I don't want them knowing my private life.


SO tonight I told my grandma she would be lonely living by herself and she says that I have "no idea what it's like to be lonely"...and that I will understand one day IF I get a girlfriend... ...I have no way to explain the emotions I felt when she said that. It is actually infuriating, like.. just think about what you just said, you see me sad all the time and not wanting to talk, but I don't know what it's like to be alone???


Someone telling you (a person who has had there heartbroken and took almost a year to get over) that you have no idea what it's like to feel lonely. I felt like telling her off, she has no idea what I've been through.


I just want to tell everyone out there that you should never tell someone that they don't understand what it's like to feel a certain way. You have no idea what someones been through. That really got to me, that just because I didn' break down and tell my family "I feel dead inside, there is no way I'm getting back from this", they think I have no life and have no experience.


I just had to vent on here..but man, All I can tell her is she has no idea. I feel like telling her that she is lonely because she is a boring old lady and no one wants her. I just feel like she had no right to assume that just because she doesn't know the people in my life and whats going on, I don't have feelings.


Some people choose to cry in private, and not talk when they are hurting. That was a very stupid thing for her to say, and I can say that I have lost a lot of respect for her for saying that to me.


Ok goodnight ENA..i have to vent here from time to time.

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