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feeling like im heading towards a firing squad

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we all experience fear of the unknown. maybe it would help if you list out all the different ways July 1 could go and what you think you should do in each of those cases.


I know theres so many different ways it can go.


1 he can say that he doesn't want anything to do with the child.

2. He could want a dna test to prove it without doubt. I will back it up.

3. He could say he no longer even cares for me, which would be hard but I will accept it.

4. Knowing the type of relationship I am in and what can happen. He could say get our son and my daughters out of this house as soon as I can.


So many case scenarios, I just have to prepare.



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I think its not as much im scared of finally seeing him now that he knows everything. As much as talking to him after keeping our sons knowledge from him for so many years.


Yes I told him I was pregnant when I found out, and he never denied the child could be his, but he didn't ask either.


I am so nervous to because in the 26 yrs I have known him, I never kept anything from him. Except for the one thing he should have been set straight on from the beginning.

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My son is 12 yrs old.


Bob was locked up as you put it a year ago for carrying a concealed fire arm. He gets released July 1st when he wants to get together to talk.


I am thinking he wants me to go there, because it will be hard to discuss everything here when it can be over heard. That or he has to report in to his parole officer. I do not know. I do not mind driving to Chicago it's only 4 hours away.

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Are you frightened of him? I certainly would be if he's been locked up for having a gun!


What country do you live in?


What sort of an influence do you think he's going to make on your son? Does he know why his father was locked up?


Is it possible to arrange to meet him with his parole officer or someone else present?

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