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what is slutty clothing?

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there are many people who dont like me because of the way i dress. im 14, but depending on what im wearing when they meet me, people have thought me to be about 16-17. plus, im bigger than a lot of people my age, not fatter, just like i have boobs, have started my period etc., and if me and another girl wear the same shirt, like a tight one, they say it looks good on her, but i look like a slut. CUZ I HAVE BOOBS!?? i dont want to change the way i dress, but its given me a bad rep and im tired of people hating me cuz of this. ive tried to ignore this for a long time, but its starting to get to me. also, theres some things i just act older about than most girls my age, and it seems to me that i'll have a skirt the same length or whatever as a highschool chick and no one says she looks like a slut, just me. i feel like this really isnt fair. what should i do?

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hello again friend!

well i would say that someone is a little upset cause you have and they dont!lol! dont let that get to you- cause if you are not a then you are not a !! dont worry bout dummys! youre you and s are people that give too much body ect- sound like these people are of the mouth (that is a copywritten statement- so dont steal "sluts of the mouth-TM!!!LOL)



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lol.. i just got what the beep word stands for. Why do u even care so much? Screw everyone, i mean, ppl who dress differently are gonna get the attention and u kno that just as much as i do. So u can keep goin the way u are and screw everyone or change but why bother? u hav the rep and u like doin what u do so u'd probably just hang in there and sooner or later ppl will get ova it. u're probably thinkin 2 much anyway.


Happy Heb

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Hey, Im sorry to hear that people stereotype you because of the way you dress. That is very imature of them. Although you should dress how you feel and how you like, ask yourself if you should wear some of the things at your age.


If people only have a problem because you look older than your real age, because your clothes accentuate your mature body parts (example: your breasts or you butt), then you should just keep wearing them.


But if your clothing shows too much, like alot of cleavage and like too much of your butt, then maybe you should cover up more because it will give a wrong impression of being slutty and easy. What people think doesn't matter as long as you know you are not slutty etc... But that's the way people are, very judgemental to what they see (i judge, you judge, everyone judges...fact of life )


So just take care of yourself and most important...be yourself but stay conservative. Hope i helped.

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don't worry about what they say. They should not be calling you that strictly by the way you dress. If girls call you that then maybe they're jealous. Don't sweat it, be yourself - if everyone else can't accept that than I think it's better that you aren't friends with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya know, it sounds like you're a teenager and still in highschool I am guessing? Well, I'm 29 and been out of HS for what? 11 years!! I can safely say, that 11 years from now, this will not matter one bit! Haha! Those girls are jealous honey! Have you seen the movie "Erin Brockovich"? If you haven't, go see it now!! This confident woman wore whatever she wanted and didn't give a damn what other people thought!! I really admire her for that. No one will remember you as a slut. Trust me. If anything, they will remember you as the girl who wore what she wanted, had her own style and didn't care what they thought. I know it's hard to not care, especially in the teen years, but if I could go back in today's world, I would dress like Britney or J Lo and ignore everyone else around me. This is your time to do all that! Wear a shorter skirt if you want, you are expected to!! LOL!! At 29, I still shop the junior dept. and only wish these styles were in 10 years ago. I mean, you can wear tight shirts and mini-skirts and no one looks twice because you are a teen! I wear that in the grocery store with 2 babies in my cart and people would gasp! Haha! So wear whatever you want!!! Enjoy todays styles and when girls say "Why do you dress like a slut?" smile and say "Because I enjoy making you jealous!" Okay, okay...that wouldn't go over well. But look at Actress, Lara Flynn Boyle. Shes super skinny. I mean, she seriously looks anorexic. Well when people give her a hard time and ask why shes so thin, she replies "Im just going to stay hungry and keep making people mad." I laughed so hard!!

Some other things you could say to people...

"Why are you so concerned with what I'm wearing?"

"I think I look nice and could really care less what you think."

"You should concern yourself with what you're wearing and not me"


Good Luck

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ok please dont let this get 2 u b cuz i lost my bff ova this i had no prob with it cuz it wasnt her fault she had bigger boobs but a lot of people called her a beep and a hole bunch of stuff and she choose to b home schooled b cuz of all of it i really wish she didnt choose to do that and i still miss her she was a great friend

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