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Did we move to fast? What's next?

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Hello all! Thanks so much for reading my issue! Anyway I met a guy about a week 1/2 ago and we ended up going on a date friday. It was GREAT, we hit it off really well. We ended up spending a lot of time together this whole weekend! I even helped him move out his dorm (he asked me to help ). Now there are two issues. The first problem is that we ended up making out . I know it shouldnt be a big deal but I usually do not make out with guys that soon, but we vibed sooo well. I haven't felt this way since my ex! The second problem is that he left today to go back home which is far away. This is only for the summer. We hit it off sooo well that I have totally lost interest in my ex that I have been stuck over for the past 7 seven months. I really like this guy, and I know he likes me, but how will it work if we are going to be apart for a few months. I don't want him to loose interest. Thanks!

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I am in a similar situation right now.


All i can say is if it is meant to work out, it will. If you two really like eachother, a summer apart won't change a thing.


Distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say.


But make sure you are both honest about where you want it to go and if you don't see it going there. Who knows what summer brings.

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Maybe just say that you enjoyed your time together and you look forward to what next year brings and you hope that you guys can keep in touch over the summer, and maybe if its possible visit each other or something. It'd be to soon to be exclusive since you are both going home for the summer, but I don't think it'd be wrong to let him know your interested.

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You need to find out what kissing between you both meant. If the kiss was just a kiss with nothing else attached, maybe you should just tell him how much you enjoyed it and say you would like to see where things could go next year. If you both know that you have feelings for each other, then I would ask him what he wants from you. See if a long distance relationship is something he would consider until you are together at school. If it is too hard, you can always have your chance once you get back to school. Just make sure that you are really open about everything so there is no confusion.

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What Gives,


I am nervous to ask because I do not want to seem as though I am rushing and end up pushing him away. I text him yesterday to find out if he got home okay *no reply* Today I gave him a call, but the phone rang twice so I left him a short vmail *no call back* I do not want to seem paranoid, but I wish he would respond or something. I refuse to text or call him again and I've been staring at my phone all day lol (lame right?) It's hard when your crushing on someone and you can't even tell them how you feel. Idk what to do next. Advice Please!

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It's rough, but your best move is to let him make the next contact. You've tried twice now with no success. If he's interested, he'll get a hold of you. Gotta try to do something to keep your mind off it so you don't go crazy. If it's meant to be, everything will fall into place...just have to be patient...easier said than done i'm afraid.

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Let the universe do it's thing. Try not to focus on the thought of him during th summer , you'll risk building it up in your head so much that if it doesn't work out you'll be devistated.

If it's meant to be, when he gets back you'll both know it's right.

Just be patient and keep busy!


Good Luck!

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OKAY EVERYONE, hope all is well I gave him one last call today..he picked up and we talked briefly. Basically I said hey I just called to see if you got back okay and he said yeah I got back ok babe, and I mentioned that I called him last week and he said he never knew I called. So I said okay well yeah I just wanted to make sure and he said something like asking if I missed him, but I didn't tell him that I did. Then he said there are some things that he wants to discuss with me and I said like what and he was like good things, but he kept telling me hold on (like people kep interrupting him) so I ENDED the convo and told him to give me a call when he can. He kept calling me baby throughout the whole convo (just like when I was with him)..Idk I'm confused. Based on the convo he still seemed interested, and I really like this guy. I won't call him again until he calls me, but I wonder what he has to tell me. What do you guys think?

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