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I've been gay for almost three yrs now... and I seem to b interested in different guys every month, if not every week. And i've chatted with lots of guys on msn. and it seems that everyone just wants ta have some no-string-attached sex.


Love, does it really exist between two guys?


Now it's legal for gay couples to get married here in vancouver. but wat will happen a year after two guys get married? Will one cheat on another, or perhaps will they both cheat on each other?


Despite that I honestly wish to find the one guy that i wanna spend moi life with, will I change my mind after we have sex?


Love, does it really exits between two guys?

Is it an instinct that most gay guys, if not all, just wanna have sex with other guys?

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Yes it does. My neighboors accross the street are gay and have been married for 16 years and still more in love then straight people. Keep your chin up you will find the right guy. One of my best friends is gay and he has been with his BF for 9 months now!!

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The difference between heterosexual and homosexuals isn't much. Sure it's a different life style, a different culture and different rules. I wouldn't pretend to understand it at all. However, I know that much like heterosexuals, people love, people hate, and people fool around. Why would it be any different for homosexuals?


I'm a guy, I love and want to be with someone forever someday. I'm sure many homosexual males feel the same way. I also know that for a time in my life I wanted nothing but sex and a good time. I'm sure that is the same for all people.


Maybe the reason the idea of casual sex is so predominate in homosexual relationships is due to the fact that it is undergoing a sexual revolution. Much like the 60's when sex was 'free' people fooled around a lot. The world of homosexuality has been opened recently and is allow for people to experiment. I'm sure like the flower power children, in time everyone settles down and wants something strong. A solid bond. That's just my opinion of course. I wouldn't pretend to be an expert; it makes sense to me though. How about you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, I agree with the last post here...


I have a few gay friends, male and female, so I know a little about the gay lifestyle.


My thoughts are that since many gay people have been fighting their sexuality, because of an un-accepting society, they feel as though they are already somewhat rebelious, leading to this "sexual revolution" that crookster_man mentioned. These are just my thoughts, but I really feel like this comes from people fighting within themselves.


If you are looking for that long term relationship, it will come, as has already been said. You'll find someone eventually that is comfortable with himself, and someone who is willing to dedicate himself to you, as you can to him!


Good luck!


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