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iv been with my boyfriend for nearly a year now...we argue sometimes but other then that our relationship is great...but lately i have become so jealous that its killin me...my boyfriend has started to talk to other girls which find him really attractive...im worried that he will find them attractive too...most of the girls he talks to now are quite desperate...they talk dirty to him and this frustrates me...i trust him but its the girls i dont trust...i dont kno what to do...when i talk to him about it he gets annoyed and tells me that they're just mates and that he doesnt want any of them when hes got me...i still get really jealous and i dont kno what to do...its all i think about now...i love him...someone plz help

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?????? Welcome. Great name.


My opinion is that you be careful with your jealousy so that you don't drive him away.


You don't have to trust the other girls. If they like and are after him, you shouldn't trust them. But if you DO trust him, then it shouldn't matter what they do because you know he won't violate your trust. Right?


And if he does, he's obviously not worth it.


Point is, you've got to let it go or your going to drive him away faster than any girl hitting on him could.


If he's going to cheat, there's not a lot you're worrying is going to stop.


I say, stop driving yourself nuts worrying about things outside of your control, enjoy your boyfriend, and trust him until he actually gives you a reason not to.

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If you act jealous and all worried that your bf is flirting with other girls, you are going to cause your bf to disrespect you because you dont have confidence in yourself. If you act confident in yourself and that YOU are a great catch and you know it, your bf will also know it and say to himself, "hey, I have a great one here, dont need to mess it up".


Confidence is key. Dont let things rattle you.

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If girls are talking dirty to him, in my opinion your boyfriend should be respectful of YOU and tell them it is not welcome and he does not want to hear it. Your boyfriend has as much a part in it as those girls do.


At the same time, jealousy will drive him away too. It's a fine balance. You deserve to have your boundaries and feelings respected, and he deserves to be trusted too - unless he has broken that trust.

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thanks so much for all your comments...do you think there is anything i can say to him to help him realise...i dont want him to think im controlling him...i just dont want to loose him

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