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Ty all it helps to talk about it. I really exploded yesterday when I heard the commotion and ran upstairs. Only to find my oldest holding patches in her hands and saying ok hes alive he will be ok. Fatal last words he only lasted maybe 15 minutes afterwards.


I left for a good hour I just couldn't take it anymore. Any time I love something or come to get close to it. It dies or disappears. Or gets attached to another person in the house.

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Having pets can be hard at time, esp when they dont live as long as humans. Guinea pigs only live to about 5-6 years old and I have had a few guinea pigs die around 2-3 years old or younger. Each time I get attached to an animal/guinea pig it is very hard to watch them die.


I had to put one of my guinea pigs to sleep the week my ex broke up with me. That was one of the hardest things to do, coupled along with my ex breaking up with me. My guinea pig Gabby was 3 years old and she had undergone surgery to remove her reproductive system because she had developed LARGE (golf ball sized) cysts on her ovaries. Despite me taking her to one of the best guinea pig vets in the area, spending well over $500 on the surgery and recovery care, she never rallied and couldnt eat on her own and was losing weight. Putting her to sleep was one of the hardest things to do since I spent a lot of time and effort and energy trying to pull her back.


Pets are great until they die. Then it is a big heartache.

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I had to put one of my guinea pigs to sleep the week my ex broke up with me. That was one of the hardest things to do, coupled along with my ex breaking up with me. My guinea pig Gabby was 3 years old and she had undergone surgery to remove her reproductive system because she had developed LARGE (golf ball sized) cysts on her ovaries. Despite me taking her to one of the best guinea pig vets in the area, spending well over $500 on the surgery and recovery care, she never rallied and couldnt eat on her own and was losing weight. Putting her to sleep was one of the hardest things to do since I spent a lot of time and effort and energy trying to pull her back.


Pets are great until they die. Then it is a big heartache.


We once had to put our collie to sleep because she was 17 yrs old by the vets estimate and her kidneys were failing, blind and deaf.


Loosing pets to old age, health or whatever is hard. But the love they give you unconditional in return is well worth the payments we may ever have to make for their health or what ever else is needed.


Gabby like patches and snuggles and little foot are all in animal heaven looking down at us saying thank you for your love and care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently lost my guinea pig due to an infection that went into her blood stream i am so sorry to hear that your guinea pig was eaten! Your dsaughter should have taken more care you need to decide the guinea pigs or the dog! if you want guinea pigs get them, but dont have the dog you are causing yourself stress and if you have a dog that eats your pets it isnt a member of the family!

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