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What is love? A time when you're caught up in a moment and you wish that is would never end?

How do you know when it's real? When you feel like you can't live without that one special person? The torture of not beeing able to see or hear him/ her?

How do you know when you've found the one? Is it the crazy feeling that you get when you first meet? Is it knowing that just catching the site of him/ her makes you feel like you've never felt before?

What is love?



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You'll get lots of answers on that one! Love's such a subjective topic, and personalities differ so widely that it's a real puzzle.


To me it's an urge to be close to something or someone to appreciate and care for it or them.

For me, that could be the Copley portrait of General Gage's wife that I've visited since childhood, my dog, my mother or even a particular lady. I've noticed more depth to the romantic love.


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Wow. What a loaded question.


So very many intrepretations and I will be curious to see if anyone has a definitive answer.


In my mind there's the occasional line crossing into infatuation, which is some of what you were describing, and lust, blurred by the once in a while caring for someone.


I think this is too philisophical for me.


Seems like "love" is a construct of a collage (sp?) of feelings. Which is prolly why it fades once the rush of endorphines lessen and you begin looking for the next endorphin rush.


Or sumthin'....

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What is love? A time when you're caught up in a moment and you wish that is would never end?

How do you know when it's real? When you feel like you can't live without that one special person? The torture of not beeing able to see or hear him/ her?

How do you know when you've found the one? Is it the crazy feeling that you get when you first meet? Is it knowing that just catching the site of him/ her makes you feel like you've never felt before?

What is love?




Love isn't the crazy feelings you have when you first meet someone, that's lust and hormones. Love isn't about not being able to live without them, because if you have a secure relationship you never worry they won't be there.


Love is the relationship you share. Your acceptance and patience of their faults, but loving their differences. You care about them, and want the best for them always. You are genuinely in tune with one another, and offer each other support through difficult times. You're always there, ready to catch the other, and support them no matter what.


I knew my bf was 'the one' because so many times I would just be looking at him...just looking, and a calmness and serenity would take over my being and I knew...this is the one I was meant to be with.


We have been through thick and thin, and have encountered some things other couples wouldn't be able to get through...but here we are, happier than we've ever been before, more secure and independent and yet so happy together.


This past weekend we were on a trip together and dancing. Our eyes met, and that familiar serenity swept over me...this is real love.


I assure you that when you meet the one, there is no question in your mind. You never doubt, worry or reconsider.

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thanks Dako - but these "what is the meaning of life" type questions boggle my mind and I get lost in circular reasoning and all that jazz. Its too much to contemplate for my puny mind.


Suffice it to say, as you did, everyone's answers are but subjective pieces of a much too large puzzle...

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I think love is a combination of Lust/Attraction, Respect, Admiration and Friendship. Without these primary elements I think you are experiencing more of an unhealthy dynamic that you mistakenly call love.


That being said, I would like to add that I don't think love alone is enough for a relationship to be sucessful, that takes alot more.

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I will quote my favourite one line explanation of love...


"True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another."


This came from the movie 'Wedding Crashers'. To me, this line sums up what love is, without geting into a lengthy philisophical, emotional discussion.

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hmmmmmm........ok. but what about those of us who don't have souls???l




Without a soul, you simply would be unable to love... hehe.


If you want to get philisophical, I suppose we must first discuss just exactly what a 'soul' is....!!! I'll take a quick stab at it.


'The embodyment of our every emotion, as individual an unique as we are physically.'


Okay. Perhaps its too early today for me to be getting into this stuff. I need a coffee!

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coffee is good.


and interesting defintion of a "soul"


but i still think attempting to give a one-liner definition of love is over simplifying. Its too subjective and personal...


..or maybe I just read too much into it and its as simple as a strong feeling you have for someone for a particular reason for a particular amount of time in any particular capacity.


How's that?

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still think attempting to give a one-liner definition of love is over simplifying. Its too subjective and personal...


I understand your point. It is subjective, and very personal. I just really like that quote, and feel that it applies to me.


..or maybe I just read too much into it and its as simple as a strong feeling you have for someone for a particular reason for a particular amount of time in any particular capacity.


How's that?


Vague? hehe. j/k

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We were discussing this in college last night and we all came to the conclusion: You CANNOT define 'love' there is no magic ingredient and no two people will ever feel it the same way.


I also believe that each relationship shows us a different kind of love. Have you ever heard someone say about an ex "I thought it was love, but now, with this new person, I know that it want, THIS is love" but you ask them how they felt when they were with that ex, they 'thought' they loved them. I say in that moment, you did! there is no think there is no thought only a feeling and you can be 'inlove' with someone and then meet someone else and be 'inlove' with them in a way that makes you doubt that old love, but its just a variation on the same theme.


As we change, so does the way we feel and experience things. Love is as Love does.

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Love seems to be one of the most powerful emotions in this world. It blocks out all of the negative aspects of life, and makes this life worthwhile. But I think the tricky part is when to know if your "'love" is really "lust." I met this guy a while back in Nov, and from the moment I saw him my heart was overjoyed. I've gotten to know him pretty well, and he's very sweet and kind. I couldn't imagine anyone being more kind, supportive, and respectful than he has been to me. I just want to make sure he's really the one! I feel like he is, but it seems to good to be true after all of my previous relationships.

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-I think- when you see someone, with your eyes, you are seeing them. If you know nothing of them other than what you are seeing, that's lust.


There's nothing wrong with lust, its what furthers our spieces. If there's no sexual attraction or energy, there are no humans. Its necessary for the beginning stages.


Once you meet the person, talk to them etc. are you a bit clouded by your original attraction, of course, that's why people say, "love is blind."


If you feel an attraction you're prolly more disposed to liking his personality, right?


If he's helpful and not hurtful AND you're attracted to him, then bonus. But LOVE? Maybe not initially, but those strong feelings of caring for another person and wanting to be around them and say, "i love you" certainly can develop.


love at first sight - I don't believe in it, in that way. Lust at first site would be more appropriate but that's not as romantic, is it?

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