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hey all... I want to thank everyone on this forum for all of their support. Over the past couple of days I have made some great progress in getting over the break up with my ex g/f. I have been very bitter about the way things ended and about the situation that we are both in right now. I think I'm done with that.


I was married for 12 years prior to meeting my ex g/f. And in that time with my wife I don't think I ever really felt loved, and probably didn't make her feel loved either. Then I met my ex g/f. I found out what true love can be. I had times of just pure happiness when I was with her. I felt like I truly mattered to someone for the first time in my life. Lately, it has been all about the breakup, but I'm beginning to see that the relationship that I had with her taught me so much about what love is and can be that I am really beginning to get excited about the prospect of finding that again, and mutually.


I am now looking back on that relationship with a great fondness. I feel extremely blessed to have experienced that with her. And if it's possible, I think I love her even more today than I did before, but not a selfish love. I am truly thankful to have had this person become a part of my life, and I can honestly say that today, I want her to find all of the happiness that life has to offer her, no matter who it is that she finds it with. I think I'm really beginning to feel that unconditional love for her, and it feels good. To get rid of the anger, and to just want the best for her... and for myself, is very liberating.


Don't get me wrong... I still feel a great loss because we don't have that relationship anymore, but I feel very differently about that today. I think the saying is "it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved before". I truly believe that right now. I am grateful for the love that she and I experienced, and no matter what... I wouldn't change that experience for anything in the world right now. Again, thank you all for your support, and I am going to keep leaning on you all for more of it in the future. Thanks.

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I am glad you got past the break up and the really bad emotions that go along with it.

I am happy to hear your in a good place.

It is better to have love and have it leave then to never experiance it.

I believe that is how we all grow and learn from each person each relationship we learn what to do,and hopefully what not to do again.

It is good to look back on it fondly instead of bitter,and yes it always is a loss because to be with someone and then not have them it does hurt and it is a big change to start living again without them.But we eventually do.We have to realize it isn't the end of the world,our world will still revolve and we WILL be happy again.


dnl940 you give us all hope that we all can again feel good and move on from a relationship.


Thank You!!!

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Thank you for the inspirational post!


It must be so healing to remember the good times more than the bad times. You helped me changed my way of thinking just by reading your message. My boyfriend was such an incredible person and he opened me up to a completely different, positive outlook on life. I am starting to realize how fortunate I was to receive such a wonderful gift from him that I can always treasure.


I think everyone has a lot of good in them, and I think it's great how you have chosen to make your life better by remembering the good in your ex.


Three cheers for you!!!

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