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do men have feelings?

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I can understand where you are coming from because as a guy there is some element of picking yourself up and getting back into the game ASAP. It probably hard for you to understand because you seem to be at the other end of the spectrum whicih being too emotional. Yes its not good to be too emotional either. I mean it cuts both ways men are not emotional enough and women are too emotional. But it doesnt have to be this way of course and its ultimately the choice of each person to decide where they want to be in the spectrum. Unemotional and too emotional is bad simply because it do not give any kinda predictability. Who wants to date someone when you dont know how they are going to react to any given situation? Its all about self control and showing your emotions in an "appropriate manner".

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You must be so traumatized by sick men you can't allow yourself the luxury of trusting healthy ones. I hope someday you can someday find how wrong you are, for your sake.


I've read your posts for many months, and it's obvious you've been horribly mistreated. Yes, a small number of men are creeps who use women and mistreat them, but you've become aware of your power to say NO. Don't ever forget that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Teacup it all depends on what sort of guy he is!


Some men are old fashioned and treat their girlfriends/wives/partners with respect, others treat them like 'second class citizens', some treat women as an 'easy lay' or a 'friend with benefits'. The only way you'll find out what a guy's like is to date him.


I suggest the next time you're out at a disco or party you 'people watch' and watch couples and see how they interact with each other. I'm sure you'll learn a lot that way.

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I'm on your same shoes, been hurt too much already and I'm almost giving up. Some women don't care if they were to see you cry in pain, they say the meanest things ever and don't care. I never got love in return, it was only lust. If not then they would find another man, yet I would still stay with them until I got dumped.

The woman that is always thought to love you unconditionally, the one that gives birth to you, abandone when I was 6, I saw her running away and getting in her car. Till this day that I'm 22, she never asked for her son, never. Yet i still wonder why is she living in, what is her life like, what does she look like now?? Tons of questions my dad has no answer for, he hates her for what she did. I don't hate her, I just want to find her one day and still her I been thinking and crying for her the whole time, why she did it, why did she left me all alone that night. Lucky I had Dad picking me up.

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do men have feelings? and how do they feel? how do they resolve their feelings? how do they utilize feelings?


so men genuinely feel? do they genuinely care? are men capable of this? do men really have emotions and feelings? are they in touch with them?


I can only speak from my own personal experiences, but here goes:


- My first boyfriend had too much feeling. It took him about a year, but when he started crying, he didn't really stop. You'd never know it to look at him, but he was extremely sensitive and took everything I said to heart. And yes, he really did care about me and feel very intensely about our relationship.


- My second boyfriend had much less feeling in him. I couldn't even tell you how many times I wondered whether or not this guy gave a crap about me. I saw him upset a handful of times, but not often in two years. He would often not show any emotion or genuine feeling at all.


For the most part, I think that you're really going to have to look for a partner who will show you that side of himself. It doesn't happen overnight, and you can't ask for it too soon.

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You know, somehow I feel offended from this thread...


I am not an object, when you * * * * * me do I not bleed the same blood as you! (don't get technical on me peeps!)


lol, I've asked the same question about women. It all depends on your experiences. I've heard some people say dogs don't have personalities. I know for a fact thats wrong as I watch my dumb dog find the perfect place to lay down...




* * * * * in the sense that I was using is not a curse word!


* * * * * with a needle. Come on lol.


(We need a context filter.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
You know, somehow I feel offended from this thread...


Glad you said it Budman - cuz I am sort of too.



As for context filter, I agree but I imagine that's near impossible.


I once used (TRIED to use) x x x (rhymes with pit) for TAT in a rhyme and it was censored for the very reason yours was. Profane nickname for a body part that I was actually using correctly instead of for slang....


...but when the majority abuse it, ya gotta censor to the masses.

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teacup! have we dated all the same men? the more i read your posts i think we are living paralell lives heehe.


i did know a man once who shared his feelings but i never gave him affection, anything back and he worshipped the ground i walked on.


have u read the book "The Rules"? There is one rule that states you should never let a man how u feel, even when u married!! never believed it but maybe there is something to it afterall...



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teacup! have we dated all the same men? the more i read your posts i think we are living paralell lives heehe.


i did know a man once who shared his feelings but i never gave him affection, anything back and he worshipped the ground i walked on.


have u read the book "The Rules"? There is one rule that states you should never let a man how u feel, even when u married!! never believed it but maybe there is something to it afterall...




And look at how well it worked for the women whom wrote the Rules - they are both divorced.


Partnership, and true love, requires at some point you also open yourself up and make yourself vulnerable to that other person. Just make sure beforehand it's a person you can trust.

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Partnership, and true love, requires at some point you also open yourself up and make yourself vulnerable to that other person. Just make sure beforehand it's a person you can trust.
how can you know to trust people unless they have opened themselves up to you, and how can they do that unless they can trust you, which means you would have to open up to them, although you can't because you don't know if you can trust them?
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how can you know to trust people unless they have opened themselves up to you, and how can they do that unless they can trust you, which means you would have to open up to them, although you can't because you don't know if you can trust them?


a leap of faith. to be fancy in ballet i think they call it a grande jete.

and if u can't leap, do short little hops. *hop hop hop*

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