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Ok Ross, you gotta stop saying "it didn't make any difference." I know you're tired of being rejected by women, but you gotta get yourself back out there. I know socialized with people freaks you out.


So maybe when you go to your thearpist and if they end up putting you on some meds, try attending a meetup (link removed.


Last night I went to my first one and I was so sad that only 4 people showed up. It was kind of awkward, but I want to meet other people who have the same interests as I do and make some new friends hopefully.


When are you going to see your thearpist?


Thanks for the link monkey1 and I'll check it out, it's nice to know there are some nice people on here.


I'm already on meds, I think they could be working a bit, I'm waiting for a letter to find out when I can start seeing a therapist.


Anyway, I might not leave now I know that I can block out certain users posts.

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We are dangerous, evil beings with the sole purpose of luring young boys into our ginger-bread-house-turned-condos and plump them up.


Good Home Cookin'.

LOL!! I taste like caramel butterscotch. I sometime smell like plain 'ol scotch. If I have a son and I'm stuck in a horrific marriage (i.e. Al Bundy) I am going to use that line around the campfire for a creepy tale and write you a royalty check.


Seriously, RossK, your signature opened my eyes to my line of thinking. If I wore that on a hat, women would be repulsed by me. Not by my looks, but my attitude. My physical appearance may be a detriment, but a negative attitude only enhances that ugliness like a house of mirrors. Imagine what a positive attitude can do.


Let me put it this way. Think of the girl you had the biggest crush on. Imagine her sitting at her desk, pounding her head on the desk chanting, "I'm such a loser! I'm such an ugly loser!" but you don't see it that way.


Who are you going to start to believe, an outsider like yourself or the source itself who is convincing you otherwise?

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Ok Ross, you gotta stop saying "it didn't make any difference." I know you're tired of being rejected by women, but you gotta get yourself back out there. I know socialized with people freaks you out.
I agree here, your not going to meet new people if you don't give them a chance to see what a great guy you are.


Anyway, I might not leave now I know that I can block out certain users posts.
As for this, thats good I hope you don't leave I am sure you can help or receive help from many of the wise hands of eNotAlone. But as for blocking peoples posts, im not sure who you are referring to, but its not a nice thing to say as everyone who has posted here has done it to try and support you.
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I know kyoshiro ogari, but it's hard to believe any difference when there has been absolutley no evidence ever that women have been interested in me. I also know my attitude will make me look more ugly to women, but I don't care since even if I didn't have the attitude it wouldn't make any difference with women anyway.


It just feels better to not have any hope instead of always getting it crushed all the time.

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I know kyoshiro ogari, but it's hard to believe any difference when there has been absolutley no evidence ever that women have been interested in me. I also know my attitude will make me look more ugly to women, but I don't care since even if I didn't have the attitude it wouldn't make any difference with women anyway.


It just feels better to not have any hope instead of always getting it crushed all the time.

I thought about this yesterday as I was sitting on the bowl. I coulnd't understand a woman being with me, finding me attractive, wanting to call me her own. I thought about it very long and hard and came up with a few answers.


1. I am 33 with a job, not a career. I am venturing towards my career.

2. I can workout and have the most absolutely gorgeous body. RossK, do you think every woman prefers a face over a body?

3. I can get my own place. I live with my parents, but my situation is unique as I am somewhat supporting them. I can move out anytime, but they are both in their 60s and working to the bone to pay the morgage to the apartment. At their rate, they'll be retired when they turn 80. My father's blood sugar is getting higher because he works long hours as a manager and has little or no time to exercise. My mother is fine so far, but I worry so much about them. They need my $1000 a month because I do most of the cooking, I clean the house, I pay for the groceries, the cable, and 1/2 of the monthly payments for the mortgage. However, as bad as I feel about still living with my parents, I know I can bolt out of the door if need be. I can't say I am independent, but I can support myself as I do. But since they need me, I will be there for them. They are not holding me back, either. They can manage without me, but I want them to get them to retire before they work themselves to death.


If I meet a girl and she can't accept that, I will turn my hat to the back and strut my butt out of there. What was I talking about? Oh yeah. RossK, you will be amazed at how much your attitude will improve if you work on #1 first - you. You can still look for a girlfriend, but don't continue to stand there in a rut. If you see shortcomings, fix them, otherwise you'll continue to think girls won't like you because of your shortcoming, which you don't fix.


Right now, I struggle with finding a woman who will find me attractive. But I am taking steps to help me work on me.

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Don't get me wrong, most people here are nice, I'm just talking about the people who were being nasty towards me for no reason in the other topic like Susser Tod, Starfall and Mrocza.
O rigt I thoughtyou meant in this thread, well I will check that out (not that I can do anything but it does seem out of order). And for now I don't think there is much more advice many people can offer until you have seen the therapist. Be sure to tell us how it went and hope it proves very enlightening



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O rigt I thoughtyou meant in this thread, well I will check that out (not that I can do anything but it does seem out of order). And for now I don't think there is much more advice many people can offer until you have seen the therapist. Be sure to tell us how it went and hope it proves very enlightening




Yeah, I'll keep in touch on here if anyone's interested and tell of my progress.

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Ross can I say one more thing, you say you "don't care" about your situation and "accepted it the way it is, as its less painful" (not exact words but close enough, also taken from other threads). I am not wishing to start anything, but really that obviously isn't true otherwise you would not have sought out this site and written about 160 posts all on the same/very similar topic would you. If that is true, just look iniside yourself and admit you do want to change and may be willing to live a more painfull existence, if not and you don't want to change, im sure alot less people will be willing to help you.


Well as I said keep us informed on how it goes and good luck, because to me it sounds like you want change but keep contradicting yourself.

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Well, I think the meds are working, when I went out today I felt better, more taller, more confident somehow, I was in a pharmacy and actually made eye contact with a girl who was sat there and she smiled at me (not a 'I fancy you' kind of smile but more in the way that she was just being polite) and I smiled back without even thinking.


Usually I wouldn't have been able to smile back or even make eye contact in the first place.

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My boyfriend says that 95% of women arent worth bothering with, and that you have to be lucky to find one in the 5% that are.


He generalises a lot. I think what happens it, we only have our own experiences, or those of people close to us, to base this opinion on, you think of the amount of women you have met, or have known, or have been hurt by and then think of how many women there are in the world? those 'few' really aren't a blue print for the rest of us.


I have been told by my boyfriend that I'm not like any woman he has ever met, and my reply "Im just like all my friends!"


You get me?


Stop trying to figure 'women' out, you won't, its the 'WOMAN' that counts, we are all different.

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