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Feel like cr*p


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Hi all.


I posted last week about a guy I'll call Jon who works at a bar and i think might like me as he always seems quite flirty and I catch him staring at me openly. I have liked him from afar for about two years now but have never plucked up the courage to go and talk to him because he's always working. Well, last week he was looking at me lots and smiling and it was the first time I'd seen him in months so my thoughts were about him all week.


Well, this weekend (boy what an eventful one!) I was at a different bar and I ended up hooking up with this really nice guy I'll call Pate. It was REALLY REALLY weird when he told me that he lived with some guys, one of them Jon who I have liked for so long! It felt like fate or something (I dunno, maybe it's called intuition???) because I'd been thinking about Jon all this time and wondering how to get close to him. My friend even said it was fate hehe, and that if stuff didn't work out with Pete, then maybe stuff would happen with Jon. I found out that Jon is single.


Well Pete asked me on a date yest and I agreed because he was such a nice guy and we got on incredibly well and I was very attracted to him too. We had such a fantastic time, but then (another really weird thing!) we discovered that he played in the same football team as my brother! He said my brother was 'a really nice guy' but he seemed really scared that he's get beaten up by him (which definetly wouldn't happen and I told him so.) Today he text me asking if I had been able to chat about it with my brother, and i said i had and that it was all fine. Well, I was devestated when he told me that this changed everything because him and my brother are mates and he found it too weird as if their frendship would be akward, so he said we couldn't see each other anymore, (just like my friend had said - if this didn't work out, atleast you've gained the knowledge that Jon is single). But why? Why is he scared of my bro, when my bro is smaller than him and is a really passive guy???


Well, today I have been feeling extremely upset because it's literally been nine times now that I've been on dates and people are initially very keen, but then there's always something that happenes so they can't go on with us (one guy was diagnosed with depression, this guy is friends with my brother(or is just plain scared of him!), the other men just wanted casual relationships!)


The thing is, it's so hard to be rejected all the time - I can't help but take it personally. I even gave up looking and this guy came up to me, but still it didn't work, but then I think, was that intuition I had telling me that I should look to Jon now? Do I sound crazy?


And if so, what should I do about it? I dunno, I just can't face the risk of being rejected AGAIN for one reason or another. It hurts so much and is making me scared to even try dating anymore.


Do I try and chat to Jon now?


Sorry this is so long. Any advise would be well appreciated. Thanks

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What a crazy situation! I think that you have been lusting after Jon for such a long time. Maybe it's a good thing this thing with Pete didn't work out. And what's better is that Pete ended it. So feel free to flaunt your stuff with Jon and don't feel bad about it.


I would show up to the bar where he works and sit up at the bar and strike a converation with him. Are there any nights that it's not busy? That would be your best bet. If it is busy, suggest going out and give him your number.



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