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what do you call a man who....


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oh. i went to a restaurant with a guy and he kept pressuring me to take sake bombs with him. and since i knew he probably didnt want to drink alone, i went along with it. and had too many....didn't feel the effects right away but then i was reeling. was dizzy...


he drove to his place, and i laid down on his bed, i was so dizzy and he tried to get me to get up and go to his living room to watch a dvd. i said i had to go to the bathroom and threw up all over his sink. then i was better and laid on the couch watching a dvd with him. he was touching my nose, being affectionate and touching my arm which was okay.


at the end of the night he kissed me and i said what time is it? i want to go home. and he said "it's still early" but i insisted and he drove me home. and apologized for pressuring me to drink......actually he apologized several times.


and then when i got home i realized i hadn't thanked him for dinner so i called him and said "thanks for dinner" and he didn't sound like he wanted to talk right then and there. but he did ask me out a second time.


i still wonder about this.

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yeah, i had a nasty hangover.


i really dont get why men want sex so much? it aint that great.


i wouldn't have casual sex. sex means emotional attachment to me.


so what are ways i can make sure i am always safe and protected from men? no matter what? seriously, too many men try to get in my pants and it makes me feel dirty like i caused it. but i don't want that kind of attention!


i want to be liked for who i am as a person.

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yeah, i had a nasty hangover.


i really dont get why men want sex so much? it aint that great.


i wouldn't have casual sex. sex means emotional attachment to me.


We have a penis. Plus, our psychological motivation of having a legacy. The groom leaps with joy on his wedding day along with his bride because he knows he going to have kids.

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i stay away from men more now. but if i should ever get back in the dating pool (say in a few years), i would like to be safe.


he looked so nice, and friendly and open and warm and fuzzy.....like a teddy bear. except mabe a teddy bear with big burly arms with hair on them. i always thought he was a nice guy.

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Yeah, fer sure ya wanna be safe. That's the number one priority.


Sometimes it's hard telling the nice ones from the jerks, and we all make mistakes or get fooled at times.


But for next time this might help 'weed' out some losers:

*If he tries to drive after he has been drinking

*If he pressures you to drink or get you drunk


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It's men we're just wired that way even if some small part of our brains actually gives a damn about your soul.


We will always want to have sex with you if we are attracted to you, then maybe after say to ourselves * * *..how can I get out of this situation. It's an urge and I don't think some woman understand this. When we want it we don't care about emotional connection. I would only be thinking about what she looks like naked, and thats how it is.


If he has to get you drunk then he is a loser. I think it's stupid to think that sex is always goinig to happen with someone who really feels a deep connection with you. If your young and that happens then you are lucky, but it's stupid to say that's the only reason to have sex.


You are right, sex is really over rated. I've never seen someone who's reason for true happiness was their sex life. It's a combination of things I am sure, but most people don't care when they are young or immature. I have too say it takes a long to for most guy to REALLY mature.

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Girls who do that to me are sluts, but I'm not complaining. God you girls have it so easy. Just open your legs and let the guys flock. But when I get an erection people just look at me funny.


Males can be s**** too. And this guy seems like a male * * * * and a sleeze!!!


We have a penis. Plus, our psychological motivation of having a legacy. The groom leaps with joy on his wedding day along with his bride because he knows he going to have kids.


The Groom will not always be jumping with joy on the thought of kids! If one of my exs(a specific one not any of them) wanted kids we would have stayed together. Hows that for a break up reason!

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hehee. Yeah, it takes men a while to catch up with their penis. It's a powerful thing.


Other weeds:

*If he ignores you after you have said "no" about something

*If he speaks badly towards, or about you

*If he seems to lose his wallet a whole lot, or shows up to a date expecting you to pay for everything (if you offer to pay, that's different)

*If he is addicted to drugs


Those are just a few. I'm guessing this topic has been covered to death here, and there's probably some good lists or links around.

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if i could cry or laugh hysterically right now i would. be definition, every man i have ever been out with is a loser and it seems clear in hindsight.


i feel like i've been scrounging in the dust bin looking for a winning lottery ticket....but hey, i found some banana peels. anyone want to share?

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if i could cry or laugh hysterically right now i would. be definition, every man i have ever been out with is a loser and it seems clear in hindsight.


i feel like i've been scrounging in the dust bin looking for a winning lottery ticket....but hey, i found some banana peels. anyone want to share?


LOL. No thanks, I've had my share of banana peels!


Yeah, being friends with guys for a while is a good idea. Their true colours shine through fast enough.

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I think if you go get drunk with a man and then WILLINGLY go back to his place where he then actually makes you get up OFF the bed instead of trying it on with you and takes you home when you ask him and apologises for making your more drunk( which is not his fault, you're 28 and have a mind of your own), he isn't a sleaze because you put yourself in that position and he did the gentleman thing and took you home.


The blame is on you, not him. Like someone said, " You're a big girl now" and you and you alone have to take responsiblity for YOU and not blame someone else for your actions.

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