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ok well me and my ex broke it off 4 months ago we were still close till last week when we said we need to move on.....well she moved on really fast......she is seeing this boy like 2 days after that and i dont no where there at right now but i kno they like eachother....we were eachothers first loves and we lost our virginity to eachother why would she do this.....we are juniors in school and this guy is a senior i dont no why and what she sees in him....after all we had 1.5 years she just throws it away i dont no what to do i have been NC for a week but she seems to always be in my head either in my dreams or just seeing her...it seems like she doesnt even car anymore and it hurts...i dont no what to do

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I know this might sound a tad rude but: "didn't you break up 4 months ago?"


I hate sounding like devils advocate. Scout on this site gave me this advice:


"Don't imagine scenarios like "She's fine, she's over me, etc." First, it just makes you feel worse. Second, it serves no purpose, other than to keep you doggedly thinking about her."


Its good advice. Unfortunately you both decided to move forward with your lives. If you broke it off 4 months ago and remained close friends, then did you really break up or just never opened your venues? She may be dating the guy doesn't mean its anything serious.


From what you've said your not over her. I guarantee everyone on this site will tell you to go NC because it allows you to sort out your feeling about her. So again I'll offer you another question: Who broke it off and are you wanting her back?

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Breaking up is hard to do, but you must start to looking at this situation in a different light. Otherwise you are going to drive yourself crazy. Since it seems that she has moved on then you need to get out there and MOVE ON TOO! You may have loved her with all of your heart...but what you don't realize is how big your heart really is. Your heart is capable of mending itself and finding someone else to love. If you are a junior then that means you need have a lot of things you need to start considering about yourself. Start now preparing yourself for the woman you are going to spend the rest of your life with. Trust me there is a lot of things you can start to fill your time up with that will make u a better man. Then after that you can look her in the face and say....this is what you had and you didn't know what to do with it. Then walk off laughing.....and that is who gets the finally laugh...


Hope this helps

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