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My girlfriend and I have sex a few times a week. We use condoms, but she is not on bith control yet. We had sex last night, and I came in the condom. While taking off the condom, I noticed what im assuming is semen on the uncovered base of my penis. IS it possible that some semen might have leaked out of the top, and into her, possibly making her pregnant?

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Hi there,


Ok...if condoms are used properly and used before the expiration date...they can be highly effective in reducing the chance of pregnany and STDs.


But...nothing is full proof. Even when using birth control...there is always a risk of pregnancy. There is no such thing as safe sex...only SAFER sex.


If you both are worried about pregnancy, then the wise idea would be for her to get on birth control ASAP.


Take care and be safe.

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The chances of her being pregnant is very slim...a girl can only get pregnant a few days out of a month...and then the chances of your semen being strong enough to get the the egg makes it an even smaller chance...yes there is a chance but...its pretty unlikely.

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Its actually hard to get pregnant, statistically speaking. Semen + Vagina does not equal babies. I am only telling you this so you don't feel terrible. What's done is done, if something accidentally happens then well you did more than many do.


Pregnancy, as I understand it, is a battle of statistics. It only takes one sperm to impregnate an egg for conception to begin. But alas, the poor little fellow has quite the journey to get there! Statistically he stands a better chance with more fellow soldiers storming the trenches beside him.


Take note for the future to pinch the top of the condom, so that it actually fills up with sperm and not remains full of air. And if you are blessed with a particulary impressive money shot - considering your "exit strategy" carefully, or consider having sex more often to lower the load!

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I just said "Possible". Not "Probable".


Yes, less semen would be less odds. Of course it only takes one little bugger...


Really the last thing I want to do is freak you out.


Know that not ALL the liquid there is semen. Also it's very likely, due to the location of the discovery, that this was her juice transferred onto you. Watch out that stuff's got cooties! sorry only joking!

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I think that it is highly unlikely, but it seems hard for those people that want to get pregnant and really easy for those that don't. I do not believe amount has anything to do with it and I have read the very first small bit of pre cum is the most potent. Either way, I am sure you are fine, but if you are that worried, then you have options. I would guess you are ok. My recommendation for the future is that when you are about to cum, take it out and after taking the condom off, then cum anywhere that she likes that is not her vigina. It is so much better to cum with a little air around then in a condom.

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My girlfriend and I have sex a few times a week. We use condoms, but she is not on bith control yet. We had sex last night, and I came in the condom. While taking off the condom, I noticed what im assuming is semen on the uncovered base of my penis. IS it possible that some semen might have leaked out of the top, and into her, possibly making her pregnant?


When taking off the condom? Well, the condom is adjusted while your penis is erect, so semen will leak past the condom once the penis is relaxing, that is why it is advised to pull out immediately. And obviously, gravity will do its job when you take the condom off.


To know if the condom was leaking on the top, it is pretty easy to find out.


And as for fluids on your penis, it could be her fluid.



Best advise is to combine many birth control methods as you can, for example, rythm plus condom plus interruption before you ejaculate.

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I think that it is highly unlikely, but it seems hard for those people that want to get pregnant and really easy for those that don't. I do not believe amount has anything to do with it and I have read the very first small bit of pre cum is the most potent. Either way, I am sure you are fine, but if you are that worried, then you have options. I would guess you are ok. My recommendation for the future is that when you are about to cum, take it out and after taking the condom off, then cum anywhere that she likes that is not her vigina. It is so much better to cum with a little air around then in a condom.


No, its not. The first amount of "precum" is used to clean your urethra, as the PH of the urine remaining in there will kill the sperm, not to mention what the PH of the vagina will do to the few that will survive.


The amount has a lot to do with it, that is why we ejaculate millions of sperms instead of just a thousand, the body woulnd't go through so much trouble making that much of them if they weren't needed.

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The chances of her being pregnant is very slim...a girl can only get pregnant a few days out of a month...


This is a dangerous thought unless you are willing to get pregnant. This is why the so-called rythym method of birth control doesn't work too well.


This statement is true, but you can't rely on this to prevent pregnancy. The days you think she's able to get pregnant may not actually be those days at all. I found that out the hard way when I was trying to get pregnant. I simply don't ovulate at the typical point in my cycle and never realized it until I actually needed to know for sure.


Unless a pregnancy would threaten her life, I think the morning after pill is a bit extreme considering you did actually cum into the rubber and not into her. However it may be you are not willing to take that chance. That MO pill is not without it's own problems though.


Good luck to you!


I hope hope you are not pregnant! And that someone who really wants the baby gets the stork visit!

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How much longer AFTER you came did you continue on thrusting inside of her? Also, how deep after coming had you gone, if you continued on afterwards?


Continuing on pushes your come down, or "up" the condom to the outside, which is why you should stop right after coming if you can help it as directed on most condom packaging.

And depending on how long you did and how far inside her you got afterwards, will determine if any got carried inside of her.


I don't think she's pregnant, but you will find out soon I'm sure. Your penis really needs to be up inside her as you come to get it in there good, you know? They're good swimmers, but there's a lot of stuff pushing them out.


ALSO, were the condoms you used coated with spermicidal lubricant? Because those would make the chances even less likely.

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just what worried me is that it kinda looked kinda whitish. Can the female lubricant be kinda whitish?


Yep, it can, and it can because of several reasons. Normal lubricant can be clear, but with the motion it can form a little bit of foam and look whitish. Also, the lubricant on some condoms can do that, it happened to me a lot with trojan condoms, but all of it looked whitish.

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How much longer AFTER you came did you continue on thrusting inside of her? Also, how deep after coming had you gone, if you continued on afterwards?


Continuing on pushes your come down, or "up" the condom to the outside, which is why you should stop right after coming if you can help it as directed on most condom packaging.

And depending on how long you did and how far inside her you got afterwards, will determine if any got carried inside of her.


I don't think she's pregnant, but you will find out soon I'm sure. Your penis really needs to be up inside her as you come to get it in there good, you know? They're good swimmers, but there's a lot of stuff pushing them out.


ALSO, were the condoms you used coated with spermicidal lubricant? Because those would make the chances even less likely.


I continued thrusting for about 30 secs to a minute after ejaculation. I did not use spermicidal lubricant.


Now that I think about it, it very well could have been her natural lubricant bubbly. It did have a few bubbles in it.


If she is pregnant, she will not have a period, correct?

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If she is pregnant, she will not have a period, correct?


uh, yeah that's generally how it goes.


Rarely, a few women sometimes do have full periods during a pregnancy (my mother included) but it is rare. More than a few have spotting, a lot or just a drop particularly in the first few months.


What does the lady say? Is she worried?


Would a pregnancy be a disaster?

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Well, the thing is, I didnt say anything about it. At the time I thought everything was fine, then when i went to the bathroom to clean up i noticed it, but i think its most likely her lubricant, or from off the condom. She would be worried if i say anything, which is exactly why i dont want to. I just told her before that just let me know when shes on her period. So this way if her period is late, or does not come, then we have something to worry about. The pregnancy would be a disaster because Im 17 and shes 18, and neither of us are planning on kids until mid-20s. If her period does not come, then Ill tell her about it, and well get a pregnancy test. If she is pregnant, the only thing I can think of is abortion, because it will be in the 1st trimester.

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While as a rule I generally advise getting the truth out, in this situation I believe you are doing the right thing.


I have been on the other end of that proverbial stick, so to speak, when the guy said the condom broke. This was later, in the car on the way home. Unfortunately we had just done a threesome so I had to ask which one. Not fun. Just whose baby would this be anyway?


So, you have my blessing, in case you need it, to withhold this little factoid for the time being.


I hope you do not have bad consequences from this, I really don't. Abortion is an option, adoption is an option, becoming parents is an option, too. Sometimes the thing we think is a disaster turns out okay after all.


Please try not to worry. It will only make you grouchy and upset and you two will argue!


This is, of course, why condoms have the effective rate they do. Note that many, many women get pregnant while on the pill. Only abstinance is 100%, and that just isn't an option for most of us! Pregnancy and STD's are the risk you take every single time you have sex, protected or not. I have also heard of women who claimed they got pregnant during their period. I don't understand the science behind that, but jeez that will to live, that life force appears to be the strongest will on earth.


I hope the force is heading somewhere else, for your sake!


Good luck. Update us in a few days, okay? Maybe if you keep coming here and sharing your worry, it will be a bit easier to cope with. You are not alone! We're here to listen, I mean read.

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