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Is she flirting??????

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I like this girl, but we only met once. We've chatted on the phone several times over business. I make her laugh which I think is cool. We work for the same company but in different parts of the city. Her department oversees mine. Friday, I sent her an e-mail letting her know I received the information to go to my assignment outside of the city. Her letter was very professional whereas I made mine professional with a bit of humor. She replied with a small letter of humor, but added a smiley face in wishing me good luck on my assignment (which was to install lights) Yesterday morning my car broke down on my way to the assignment and on top of that I was lost. I called her up at the job to give her the heads up, and she said she felt bad and that she wish she could come over and pick me up. I am wondering if she is flirting, or is she simply a nice girl. Is it because I like her that I am thinking this is flirting? I want to ask her out but in a way she is my supervisor even though like I said we work in different parts of the city. I am most likely leaving this job soon because I found a better one. But what do you think, flirting or nice girl?

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Those little things mean absolutely NOTHING. Quit looking for tiny little signs of interest because it will do nothing but confuse the heck out of you.


If you are interested in her, then tell her you would like to buy her a cup of coffee at the local Starbucks Thursday for lunch. Meet her, chat it up, have fun being yourself, joking , and teasing. Before you leave ask her if you could take her out to dinner next Tuesday. It's that simple.


If you keep up with this little email back and forth thing, or any other little hints and signs, you are only going to make things very hard on yourself. Step up, show confidence, and ask her out before you friendzone yourself.

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If you keep up with this little email back and forth thing, or any other little hints and signs, you are only going to make things very hard on yourself. Step up, show confidence, and ask her out before you friendzone yourself.


Amen. I think she's just being nice, but just go ask her to get some coffee or a drink or a bite to eat or something. Show some confidence, man!!! WOOT WOOT!


Good luck!!

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Sorry to burst your bubble (because I always hate it when people do it to me), but she's just being friendly. You're reading WAY too much into it. But I've done it before, sucks...




Like everyone else says, give it a shot. Trust me, you don't wanna be in my situation where you didn't give it a RHG (red hot go) and instead you've just got regrets...


Just keep it casual and be yourself! Good luck!

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Yeah, don't take it as she likes you. Sounds like kindness. I've often mistaken kindness for a wow she likes me, only to be disappointed. There was this one time at work where I was talking to a crush of mine and I said something funny and she laughed saying, "You're so cute!" At last, I thought! As I pranced around the office without a care in the world, I was literally on cloud nine. I already had our first three dates organized in my head. No more than five minutes later, another male co-worker makes her laugh.

I'll give you one guess what she said to him...

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