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So I emailed my ex about two weeks ago to catch up with her since I haven't talked to her in about a year. Anyway, my ex emailed me back and said that it would be nice to catch up. I responded to this with another email asking if she'd like to get lunch sometime when I got in town and just chat about how things have been going. However, I haven't heard anything back, and I'm just wondering, do you think it would be wise to email her again? I mean, I do want to talk to her, but at the same time I don't want to seem overbearing like I have to see her. So, I don't know, any help in whether I should hold out a while longer or just email her again would be helpful. I appreciate any and all advice.

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I wouldn't.


Maybe she just hasn't gotten to your e-mail yet. Maybe she's still contemplating the whole thing. Or maybe she doesn't want to respond at all.


If you have the ability to, maybe you could e-mail her while you're in her town, let her know you're there, and how to get a hold of you if she's still interested. Then leave it to her.


That way it looks like you just forgot about the whole thing but being in her town reminded you of the possibility.


I say, don't contact her until you get to town and then make it look like an, "oh, hey, was just wondering if you're still interested in getting together while I'm in town. I'm here til Wed so give me a call or shoot me an e-mail," casual kind of thing.

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In my opinion I would not e-mail her again. I know that she got/ or is going to get the e-mail, you know she got/ is going to get the e-mail, and if she chooses not to reply there isn't much you can do. After about a whole year she's probably wondering why all of a sudden you want to catch up with her, especially if you guys haven't been in constant contact through out the whole year. You've done your part by e-mailing. Let her do hers. An ex sent me a text message wishing me happy holidays and the such and said she would like to catch up and see how things have been going with me. We haven't talked in about 7months and its going on a year since she left. If I choose to share with her how I've been then its up to me and not her.

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I wouldn't of emailed her at all in the first place. No point when they aren't part of your life anymore and you have a history ending with a split.


Since you did though, I would leave it. Don't even think about it, just leave it as trying to find some company while you were in town. Have that attitude and there won't be a problem.

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Well, it certainly appears everyone is in complete aggreement on this entire situation. I guess I'll listen to the majority at hand and take the advice given to me. Thanks everyone for responding, I gather I won't be sending another email to her anytime soon. Maybe I'll look her up when I get in town, and try to contact her that way instead of relying on an email that can easily be overlooked or forgotten about. Thanks again for the help, it is much appreciated.



And, on one side note, is it uncommon for people to try and catch up with friends from the past? I mean, everytime I come home I make a solid effort to see my old friends and keep up with their lives, and I just didn't realize that this might actually not be as common as I would have believed.

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