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hpv? - genital worts!

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anyone know anything about them? ive gotta get checked out, uum ive never been checked for anything b4 help!!??!!!????!clueless!!!!!


also my guy just told me he may go prison for dangerous driving for 6 mounths but i think theres something he's not telling me.


just not having a good day..please can i have a hug if anyones online!!!!!!



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((Big Hugs))


Sounds like a bad day. You should go to a gynecologist and get checked. Let them know what you suspect.


As for your boyfriend going to jail for dangerous driving... that's an awful steep sentence for reckless driving. I would be suspiscious too.


Hang in there.

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There are many types of HPV, by they are divided into two categories


1. low risk - these are the wart producing types of HPV

2. high risk - these types of HPV are linked to cervical cancer


HPV is something that you have for a lifetime. I would suggest you go see a doctor and get checked out as soon as possible.

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Do you have any signs of genital warts, or did your partner tell you he was infected?


There are several forms of HPV, some of which cause cervical cancer, so you should definitely go and get tested for the gamut of STI's out there. HPV is not curable, though the symptoms/effects are 'treatable' . You will carry it for the rest of your life if you have it. There are others that can be cleared with antibiotics.


I would say he's lying...it sounds to me like there is more to the story then he is telling you about that.

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ta guys uuummm i have read a lil bit...and yeh so you always have it??so even if i dont get treated...my partner will always have it...will do some better reading...


as for the prison thing. it is ratterling my mind. hes told me not to worry and it will probs be all ok as its his first affence and he didnt do that much damage.


i guess tho its kinda made me realise i dont trust him that well, dont dare talk to him about things and i dont know what he gets up to or what he has been up to in the past!!!!!!!


i care about this guy a lot and i do want him to be mine and only mine, telling him that is the trouble as i dought he will feel the same...and i cant be with him if i cant ask him things and he wont tell me everything...

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Let's look at this objectively:


1. You do trust him, and he is going to jail for 6 MONTHS for a traffic infraction. I imagine the laws may be steeper where you are, but it still sounds like more than reckless driving or a first offense.


2. You don't trust him. He is lying about his crime. Hence.. he is lying to you.



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So glad that someone pointed that out. So often only "worst case senarios" are shown not only scaring people but like you said, making someone believe they have nothing.


They always show exaggerated pictures. It does nothing but confuse people and make them think that they must not have anything, since whatever it is they have sure as hell doesn't look like that.
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