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Best of friends for 2 years, then 3 years of a relationship... then mutual breakup between her and I ending on a good positive note... we both are doing great with NC right from the break up but we also said we should try to keep in touch when the time is right. The only problem here is that she is moving 4 hours away to home in two more weeks. ... i dont want her back as a girlfriend, but do want the friendship... I read a book recently that said a four week window of NC is reasonable. I fear that when she moves home, we will lose any chance of a friendship... I want to contact her in two weeks and invite the possiblity of meeting for coffee, NOT TO GET BACK with her, but just to try and keep the friendship before its too late. Is this a good idea?


and please trust me on this one... the breakup was positive for both of us... i really have no intentions of getting back the relationship... we had a good friendship before becoming mates. your advice is appreciated.

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look at her as any other friend. When she is in town take her out to dinner. When your in town she'll take you out for dinner. You wont lose a good friendship over Long Distance. Use AIM/MSN messenger, phone, email whatever you guys do to keep in touch but just keep in mind that keeping a friendship with an ex is very hard.


How do you keep in touch with your other friends? I'm sure you dont call them everyday, text, email and talk to them online. Give her some space cuz a friendship is ONLY a friendship and nothing else.

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I did something similar with an ex. It was just kind of decided after 4 months that it wasn't gonna work as a romantic relationship, so I gave it about 3 months of NC and just sent her a message over msn one day. We get along great as plutonic friends, go on double dates every now and then and its turned out to be a pretty great friendship. You're circumstances might be a bit different, as it was quite a bit longer a relationship but in the end I say go for it.

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Tucker - I just re-read your other posts and seems like you get stronger every time you write about her but the concern I have it that you ARE still writing about her and are still confused about appropriate behaviours.


If she is a friend, treat her like a friend. If a buddy of yours was moving four hours away, would you want a get together before he left?


If you are uncertain, perhaps there is more going on than even you know...

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