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Hi Guys


After numerous posts regarding my recent break up with this girl i've been seeing for 3 months, i still think about her constant. I don't call her but i did however message her and apologized because i said some really harsh things out of anger. Now i still think about her. I know it's because i use to spend my weekends with her and i was use to that. Now i spent it alone. I know they say to do stuff to keep her off your mind but it's insane. I check my phone hoping she will call or on msn to see if she will log on and talk to me. How can i get over this, it's drives me insane and then i get depressed. I want to move on but something is stopping me. Please help anything to get rid of it

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I know exactly how you are feeling. I have just post about this, except I have been broken up with the guy for a year and a half and I still think about him constantly! I told this guy that I definetly couldn't be with him anymore just recently when he tried to initiate things again. Even though I told him to not contact me, whenever my phone buzzes, a big part of me hopes it's him, but it isn't.


I know how hard it is and sometimes it just drives you insane. I think we just have to hang in there, and it will eventually pass. I think there will be times when you think about the person constantly, and other times when you will forget for a few weeks. This has been my experience, and this has created a pattern with my thinking about him.

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yea iv just broke up with a gal of three mothes thursaday my way of getting her out of me mine was to partie my * * * off the weeked and spring vaction so i parited friday and saterday imm gonna hit a few partie to night so be like me and partie met a nice gall (or 3) and rock!

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Sorry to say this, but you will never forget her. Forgetting her and moving on are two completely different things. When you move on, its accepting the fact that its over between you and you must live your life without her. Just be thankful you guys weren't married w/ children and got a divorce. You can start all over and improve youself. Take your 3 month relationship with your ex and learn from it. How can you make your next relationship more successful?


good luck in healing and remember that you came into this world as an individual...you can leave this world as an individual.

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