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Okay so ive had a huge crush on this girl at my work for a long time, we always joke around together, and stuff, and sometimes she catches me starting at her, and usually she stares back, which im assuming is good. Ive never heard her mention her boyfriend, and we always talk about what we are doing that night or on the weekend, so Im sure if she had one she woulda mentioned it. tomorrow, given the opportunity I thought I would try to get her out to a movie or something, but pass it off kind of as casual friends to see how she reacts.


I was planning on saying something like, " Why dont we go check out a movie? We never really get a chance to hangout outside of work."


If she says no, then I can just your loss or something funny to pass it off.

If she says yes, it might prove to me she IS interested, at least to some degree.




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I think your plan sounds good minus the "your loss" bit. It may make you come off like you've got an ego which is not something girls tend to be attracted to. You could just invite her to hang out with you and your friends after work one day or something and then ease into the one-on-one action. I mean, it's so much easier to be one-on-one with someone after you've gotten to know them a little better outside of work or even school.

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