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bf leaving to travel....dumped me, but still in love

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Hi there


a few of you may remember me. I wrote about my bf leaving to travel to thailand for 2 months. He leaves in 1 week. THe last few weeks he has been acting odd...not calling as much, being distant. I knew something up, but tried to be happy and stuff..so he would remember me like that when he was gone.


well last night after an amazing night. he dropped me off at home and handed me a letter. he made me read it, and in it he dumped me. He said it wasn;t cause he was leaving..just cause the relationship was nt working. that he wasn;t happy. but he still lvoes me so much. I am devestated. In the next week we both our finishing up 5 year of university. I have 6 final exams in these 5 days. BAD TIMING. he knew this, yet decided to dump me right now. I am so mad about that.


It will be so easy for him, who only has 1 essay, to just do it and get uop and leave the country. forget about me. I dont understand. he is so selfish. He kept crying and saying he loves me, but he isn;t happy and that we have tried and we cant do it. He broke up with me 2 times before...once for 4 days and once fo 1 month. And both i did NC and he came crawling back begging to get back. I let this happen. I dont want that to happen. but to me..it jsut seems like simple things could fix the rel. if he just TRIED> not expected that the relationship would work on its own. I am so horribly upset. I feel like puking.


he told me that this isn;t about him being able to just go off to meet random girls in thaialnd. I am not sure if I believe him. he said that this way..he cant come crawling back to me. I dont understand how when u both are in love, that there can be no way to make it work.


I gave it my all. no regrets. always gave 110% and tried my hardest to make him happy. no regrets about that. I just wish he coulda tried as well. this sucks.

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Sorry honey but I would call it quits. He has broken up with you several times before and now is going on vacation so he has dumped you. He isn't boyfriend material.


He has exceptionally bad and RUDE timing. That alone is reason enough to keep him away from you forever.


If he comes crawling back again, I would really recommend staying away from him.


Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward. Do what you can to keep yourself eating, sleeping and calm. You need to focus on your exams.


Remember you have gotten through this before, you can get through it again.

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Hey rachael,


First of - huge hugs. I know it will be VERY hard, but for this next couple weeks you have to try as damned hard as you can to push this back for now and concentrate on those exams. I know this is definitely awful timing - one of the mods on here had a friend whom was dumped right before she wrote her LSAT and she said her friend had a terrible time doing it as a result - but you really have to concentrate on it as best you can. I know you don't see it now, but you have to think long term of the rest of your life - and your exams/graduation will be with you for that.....and your ex won't be.


Make sure you eat, rest, exercise to get that stress out and concentrate on your studying.


And never take him back. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. He has had his chances and has only proved he has not changed and is not ready to treat you and be with you how you need.

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Best of luck on ur exams, I just had to take some barely 2days after a big breakup. It was seriously prayer and God that got me thru and allowed me to gain some kind of focus to study. Hang in there, remember now its all about u, ur success and exams are dependant on u.

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