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Do you guys like curvy women?

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No, I am thin. In reality. I despise my lack of curves, but if I gain one ounce I will go crazy as well. I just wish the same thinness could combine with a full chest lol.






Lol, we're all like that.


While I am not "skinny", but slim, I wish I could be skinny at times- typically when I watch the fashion channel.


But then I see my sister, who just lost like 20lb from looking good and she looks strange. I think some people look proportionatly slim while others need that little bit of meat to look good.


Even when I lose the weight and diet to become "skinny" , as I do every summer lol, I never look typically skinny, or model skinny, though I have the height, because I still have the curves, the natural dip in the side.


I have an "apple" body type though...and hourglass shape. I only gain weight in my waist/tummy...you're lucky you don't have to worry about that!!!


However, when I lose weight I'll still always have that curve into my hips, but I have slender body frame and don't gain weight in my legs- which, as being tall too, you know is important


6'0. That's hot. I'm 5'10.5. - my goal is to be 5'11, lol. Just a liiiiiittttttle taller. I love height.


Tall girls

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Yay for tall girls! I'm 5'10'' but am in no way skinny or slim. I am not fat either but I am very bodacious. Think Beyonce and JLo. People actually like to refer to my rear end as a "JLo butt". I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I am very pear-/hourglass-/guitar-shaped. I have very muscular (but not too muscular) legs since I play volleyball and basketball. My chest is decent. Not too big but it is there. I kind of wish I were like a C cup or something. That's my ideal. My ideal height would be 6'. If only I could have those extra 3'' I'd be set. It helps to be taller in the sports I play. I only gain weight in my tummy too! It's torture sometimes but most days I get over it. Watching shows like America's Next Top Model or Project Runway are when I tend to look at myself and go "ugh". Even when I'm around my younger sister (who should be a friggin' model) I tend to feel larger simply because I'm comparing myself. I've learned not to do that anymore because I am not fat, I am healthy, and I have a good personality. That's all that matters, right? Yay for curves! I'm proud of mine (even though some days I wish they weren't so curvy)!

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Lol, America's Next Top Model. I'm a devoted model. Those girls are skiiiiiiinny. I would not like to be that skinny.


Try not to compare yourself.


I don't (all the time *blush*). Everyone has a different body time, everyone gains weight differently, everyone weighs something else because some people have more muscle mass or heavier bones...


Sometimes I wish I were shorter and very petite but I get that I look great "for my height". If you're taller, you're naturally going to be bigger in comparison to shorter girls. It's why I don't share clothes with my girlfriends.

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Well fist of all I think people often get confused between the terms ''curvy'' and ''chubby/overweight''


You can be 7 stone and still be curvy. With that you can be morbidly obese and weigh 20 stone and still be curvy. Curvy is got to do with you figure not your weight. I think overweight women like to use the term curvy to make themselves feel better.


It depends on the guy really.


There's the type of guys that like skinny women like Kate Moss skinny.

But I think there's more guys out there that like women with ''a bit of meat on their bones''.

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what is your height?



Tall girls I agree with ya on that one unless they are 6'5" then I don't want them wearing heels. lol



Boricua7 - If that is you in your avatar and with what you have said about your body I would more likely be a lot more attracted to you than the hot popular party girl that every guy is going for. And before you say thank you your welcome.

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6'6!!! Lol, that's awesome.
Tell me about it. Ever since I was 13 I had older females telling me how much girls love tall guys (primary friends of my mom or who knew my mom). I didn't really believe it at that age, but now that I am 22 I am believing it. Becuase now I got my own fan club at work (3 teenage girls) I see a lot of girls at least looking at me and some even check me out. I usually get 3 to 10+ smiles from girls of all ages per day at work, yes I even get them from the married ones as well.


Don't even get me started if and when I do go out. That is a whole different story. Tho it can be quiet funny at times, especially when I am out and about with my friend who is 6'5", yes he is also tall like me and works out. I would let you just imagine what it is like when girls see two tall guys side by side in the open public. lol.


And yes him and I are both single.



I have a huge collection of heels, stilletos, you name it. My boyfirned is only 6' and while I wear 'em anyways, I opt for flats to make him feel good sometimes. think you understand why he feels the way he does when your taller than him and if it is what I am thinking of I am the same way as well even tho I am taller.
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Lol, why a 6'5 girl would wear heels is beyond me.


I love wearing heels- which make me anywhere from 6-6'2 and I find that sexy personally. Usually I just tell him to not slouch and suck it up.


Yah, girls generally love tall guys...but honestly, EVERY tall guy I know, goes for girls a foot shorter. I see guys who are 6'3 going for 5'3. All the time. Not that I'm complaining, but wheres the love of legs dammit?


I know my boyfriend appreciates them. LOL

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...but honestly, EVERY tall guy I know, goes for girls a foot shorter. I see guys who are 6'3 going for 5'3. All the time...


OH MY GOD I KNOW! My best friend is 6'7'' and his last girlfriend was barely 5'! I'm 5'10'' and find it hard to get a guy who is even just a couple of inches taller than me let alone a friggin' foot that isn't a complete egotistical jerk. In the words of Stewie Griffin: What the hell man!?

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Sorry girls I am one of those 5'4" women whom has a 6'3"ish boyfriend lol.


Funny thing is before him, I always preferred men under 5'10" and he had a "rule" about not dating women below 5'6" as was his preference...well, what can we both say but that all got thrown out the door when we met each other. And it did not stop us from being able to gaze into each other's eyes....and I make a perfect chin rest for him when we are standing in the elevator..hehe. We just fit perfectly in all ways


He's worth the occasional pain in the neck (lol) I endure in order to kiss him! I have this vision of bringing a little stool to the altar on my wedding day to kiss him without either of us having to reach!

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You guys are funny. For me I usually "hunt" for the tall girls in the social environment I am in, if I don't find any tall ones then I check out the shorter ones. This doesn't mean I will automatically be sold on the tall girl that I find, just becuase she is tall doesn't mean I have to ask for her number. I find it amusing that some girls have this type of mind set. This is much like girls expecting guys to buy them drinks. I will only by a girl a drink if I am actually interested in her and I think she is single and also interested as well. Say what you want girls, you ain't wasting my money unless I deem it reasonable.


But on the other hand I will check out the 5'5" girl as well. Fro the most part 5'5" is the shortest I will go, but like RayKay posted, there are times when two personalities, when they meet, are extremely attracted to each other and most of the physical stuff doesn't matter. So I also keep an "eye" out for such a girl where she may be 5' but has a personality that I will fall for.



Boricua7 - lol. Sounds like the pickings for you are bad where you live when it comes to guys. But I am sure there are guys that are what you want where you live, you just not looking in the right places. For me I tend to stay off the beaten tract when it comes to finding girls. The reason I do this is that I have a better chance of finding girls that are more my type even tho they are not as easly found.


...but honestly, EVERY tall guy I know, goes for girls a foot shorter. I see guys who are 6'3 going for 5'3. All the time...
Sounds like the guys that you know are not that confrontable with their height, or they feel the pressure from society to go for shorter girls, or they actually like shorter girls. For me it took awhile to get confrontable with the fact that I will be much taller than most people. But now I have very little problems with my confornt and my height. Sometimes I do get unconfrontable, but it doesn't happen as nearly as much now.
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Lol, they're comfortable.


I get a lot of attention for my height...but that's usually what it is- just attention.


Ironically, when I go out, I usually get approached by shorter guys. What gives? lol


I've been told that my height is intimidating though...which is weird since I'm under 6. I love being tall though...


Well, sometimes. Around my really short girlfriends I sometimes feel awkward. Usually not in groups but one on one...


One time my friend A wanted to go to the bathroom while we were parked outside a coffee shop. So I agreed and got out and walked with her. She is 4'11. I felt SO BIG NEXT TO HER! But everyone told me it was her who looked tiny in comparison...I think they were just trying to be nice lol

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...Ironically, when I go out, I usually get approached by shorter guys. What gives? lol


I've been told that my height is intimidating though...which is weird since I'm under 6. I love being tall though...


Well, sometimes. Around my really short girlfriends I sometimes feel awkward. Usually not in groups but one on one...


I get approached by the shorter guys too! I don't get it.


People have told me that I'm intimidating due to my height too. What's so scary about a girl who is tall and doesn't slouch?


I feel awkward too. Especially when I look back at pictures and I'm towering over all the girls. For some reason I don't feel feminine in those situations.

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Boricua - The one thing I have notice with being as tall as I am is that when you hit a certain height with people they can be unconfrontable with your height unless they know you and even then they may still be unconfrontable with it. I still remember the time when I was at a hockey game and I was with my dad move thru the sea of people and I was using my height to push people and I ran into a guy taller than I and we just look at each other and started to laugh as we both knew what the other was doing. The people around us that where not part of our party where intimadated easly.


But there are people that have no problem with other peoples height. These people are not as easy to find tho, not matter what their height is. I am one of them tho. Right now I am flirting with a girl that is around 6'3" that works in a clothing store. Now if she would let me talk to her more....


fairie - I understand why you would think that, but I am sure that petite girl that you stand next feels that your more normal looking why she [the petite girl] feels small and tiny. It goes both ways. Heck at times I want to be 5'10" becuase I feel so tall and huge around other people. But I get guys saying that they would love to be as tall as I am and some said they would do anything for it. Others have even complained to me about my height. So just remember its a two way street when it comes to things like this.

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  • 2 years later...

Adjectives describing people's body shapes are often so vague and contextual as to be meaningless. Out and about, "curvy" means "feminine and shapely" to me. Online dating, though, "curvy" generally means "morbidly obese." So out and about, curvy is great, internet dating, no.

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I know that everyone is different and thereforeeee has different preferences, but i would just like to hear if some men actually like curvy women in this western society where women being thin is highly pressured.




P.S. I know I should be happy within myself and I am - just having a bad day and would like people to share their opinions.


I love curves on a girl. Skinny girls turn me off big time - When I'm dating a girl and my arm is bigger than her leg, that's a problem.


For some reason, curvy girls do it for me.

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i like women with curves. but not fat. a fit sexy back is always hot. cause ima be looking at that a lot when they are bent over. hehe. but seriously, no hail damage as someone once told me.



thats freakin awesome. haha. hail damage. ive always called it cottage cheese.

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