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I did the same thing you did and wish I could go back in time and start all over.


A note like that, while logically should help, for some reason with women they seem to always choose the friend route when faced with logic. For some reason the playing around mysteriously like a game works better than laying it on the line.


I can't figure it out.


A woman could be faced with the greatest nicest guy that is completely open and honest and she will reject him for the guy that plays games and keeps her wondering etc.

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Well I got my answer:


Hi, i think we could be good friends but at the moment thats all i´m interested in with anyone, sorry. I havent been avoiding you. i´m just rubbish at keeping at touch with people ask any of my friends and i am having to put all my spare time at the moment into this course. I darent get behind at all, I´m sure I´ll get into the swing of it and it´ll all settle down soon.Thats why i havent met up with anyone at all lately.


So she is not saying no but is saying friendship is all I can expect at the moment, but by saying that is all she is looking for from anyone telling me that she is not looking for anyone else so mybe there is still a chance?????

I know I need to back off and do the friendship thing now, and I am really going to try, atleast i kind of know where i stand!

Feel like asking her why she made me think more could happen in the beginning but I realise I am better off jus accepting it and moving on...right?

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Well, you heard back from her and that is a good thing It shows she cares enough about your feelings, and possibly was scared/nervous to broach the subject herself. But I wouldn't bring up to her why she led you to believe different in the beginning....like you accept it and move on.


I guess if it were me, disappointed as I may be, I would remain friends (if you choose to) but would move forward in the dating world. I'm sorry it didn't work out right now, but at least now you know where you stand.

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