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Me and this guy have known eachother for about a month now, we work together and stuff. Here's my question though. We both like eachother, we've talked about that. The thing is he's been pretty sexually experienced in the past if you catch my drift. I on the other hand, haven't. Pretty much the biggest virgin out there. ok, not that bad...but just making things clear. I'm just worried that he'll have all of these expectations right away. Not that I'm not willing, I just don't want our relationship to be based on that. Do I tell him I'm inexperienced or not? Any advice?

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I would advise you to tell him. When you are ready to have sex with him he will probably be flattered that chose him to be the first, and hopefully he will be understanding and gentle.


If you get the feeling he will not be understanding and gentle - don't have sex with him. Save it for someone who will.

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I would advise you to tell him. When you are ready to have sex with him he will probably be flattered that chose him to be the first, and hopefully he will be understanding and gentle.


If you get the feeling he will not be understanding and gentle - don't have sex with him. Save it for someone who will.


i agree. If he truelly loves you. He WILL be understanding and gentle.

I'd been in your situation too. I was in a situation that we loved eachother dearly and it was a wonderful experience.

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