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I recently met a guy off link removed, and we first saw eachother thursday night, we went to the movies with my sister and her boyfriend... We had fun, he told me I seemed kinda distant and I told him it was cuz I was so tired (which I was) anywaze last night he got off work at midnight and came up to see me.. Well we ended up going to a party with my sister.. When we got there he knew some of the guys there and he kinda just went off and did his own thing in the hott tub while I sat in the house with my sister and this guy drinking. Well I got mad that he totally ignored me so on the way home I didnt talk to him and when i got home i just said bye and went inside.. he tryed calling and calling my sister but I wasnt in the mood to talk... Does anyone think that I over reacted? Because right now I feel like I did...

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I don't think you over-reacted. I suspect he may have gone off and done his own thing as some kind of subtle payback for feeling you were distant the night before, and realized that was wrong when you didn't talk to him on the way home; that's probably why he called.


Why don't you give it one more chance...give him a call and put it out on the table. Be honest that you felt ignored, and if he tells you you're wrong for feeling that way, don't necessarily change your stance on that, but say you're willing to give another date a go...

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just a thought...


maybe he didn't feel that you were reciprocating from the previous date or that night before the party...even though you are explaining to us that you were tired, he does not necessarily know that, and he may be taking it as a "i'm bored of you" vibe...When we "ditched" you at the party, maybe he felt that you would have more fun without him and he moved into his own comfort zone (that being his friends that he already knew). That in a sense was somewhat cowardly, but you have to show him that you love his company and aren't bored with him.

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I think the only mistake you made was that you didn't arrange a date for just the two of you. He didn't know anybody, including you and you should have been working on trying to get to know each other instead of dropping him in the deep end amongst a bunch of strangers.

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