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something is really wrong....should i breakup

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ok, I think something is really wrong with my boyfriend. He did something really mean to one of the guys that he works with. So now I'm wondering if he might get mad at me some day and do the same. He gets mad when we go out to eat and the waitress doesn't bring him his food in time. One time when we went out to eat he got so mad at the waitress he got up and went in the kitchen and starting yelling at her. He gets in all kinds of trouble at work and seems to be in conflict with alot of people that he works with. He also seems like he likes to boss people around and get them into trouble. Some times I wonder if he has mental problems. When he comes home from work he goes straight to the computer stays on their all night and hardly even talks to me. I know something is bugging him but I don't really know what. But it's starting to scare me cause what if he treats me like the guys he works with someday.

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Absolutely! Have you ever heard of the waitress test? You are being exposed to 'witness violence' which will soon be turned in your direction.


Abuse starts out like that, so get the hell out while your head is intact!


Yup. I've heard this as well. "Watch the way your partner treats strangers in a new relationship. Six months later they will be treating you the same way." I've also heard of waitresses being used as an example. Ditch him now before he starts abusing you the same way.

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ALWAYS look at how someone treats others in day to day life - waitresses, coworkers, family - because I guarantee this is how YOU will be treated in the future. They may not initially when they are still in the impress you stage, but over time, YOU will be the one being treated like that waitress is.


Time to leave this guy.

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I don't agree that he will necessarily treat you the same way but can you live life on such a rollercaoster? Can you trust him?


If he's spending so much time on the computer, why doesn't he want to be with you?


I don't think you're getting much out of this.

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He wil probably eventually treat you with this same disrespect, but even if he never acted poorlly towards you, do YOU think it is okay for anyone to act like he does towards ANYONE ELSE? You should "share" the same values with someone you love, you would probably never act this way towards anyone, a waitres, a co-worker, why is it "okay" for you to be with a guy who behaves this way? Do you have standards, values? You sure seem like you do... slowly but surely leave this relationship, he will NOT make a good father, or husband... I know that when I am with a man, I do NOT want the drama of a guy who acts like a "jerk" to others.. that would be such a poor reflection on me and my choice of man. You can "choose" to not accept his behavior by leaving him... but you can NOT change him, or teach him how to behave... that is NOT right for you to do... he is who he IS, and he will not only always be this way, but it will magnify the longer you know him..... and it has NOHTING to do with YOU.. it's HIM... so leave now, and know that you are going to have some heatache over this, and it will hurt, but it is the right thing to do.... do NOT compromise yourself, you will "lose" your sense of "self" and that is a loss to big to even consider...


If you find yourself walking on eggshells while around him, you are headed for a horrible future with this guy... get out "safely" and do NOT try to convince him why what he does is "wrong", he won't understand it, and he might take it out on YOU... so be safe, smart and get out... You are a wonderful girl and deserve to soar to great heights with a wonderful man.. and this is NOT the guy....

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