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Ok, so last year I started shaving. And i don't mean my legs. But to be honest it freaks me out to put a razor there (and waxing is kind of expensive... at a place that won't infect me with something crazy anyway). And I hate the way it looks when it get stubbly and grows back. So I was thinking of just sort of trimming and keeping it neat instead.


But here's my question... how much should you trim really? Like I've heard of the landing strip but I don't even know how much or how little that is. I've heard guys say they don't want to deal with gagging on hair and such, but most of my hair is in front, higher up, where it wouldn't really interfere with oral sex. Are you supposed to shave all of that? Or just some? And how much should you shave off the labia? I mean damn I freak out everytime I do that and have to hold my breath and pray that I don't screw it up.


So what the hell is "neatly trimmed"? If someone could give me specifics that would be great because i'm a little dense when it comes to these things. Shaving it all off has become such a chore.



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LOL, I don't know why, but your post made me laugh pretty hard - I guess a combination of knowing what you mean, and sharing your pain! For some reason I still subject myself to it anyway (much better under bike shorts!).


I would recommend you get some clippers, like the kind guys use to keep a short beard/goatee and so forth. This will help you a lot since then you won't be sitting there with scissors in a rather uncomfortable position for hours..


The clippers would be used for where you keep hair but just want it shorter and neater, and then you could use either a razor (blade or an electric one which is less dangerous near certain areas!) for the parts you want gone (ie bikini line).


Neatly trimmed basically means short, and groomed so it's not "all over" - this could be a landing strip, a small V where the V points right to the jackpot, or heck a heart shape or lightening bolt!


As for what you want to do closer to the labia, your choice. I say if you are worried about it, just keep it shorter, and maybe used the electric razor as there is less danger of losing anything you don't WANT to lose!

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For some reason I still subject myself to it anyway (much better under bike shorts!).


I do mine too, but I sure don't bike


I have found that the little electric trimmer dealy that looks like a long skinny vibrator when it's all packaged up works wonders for me. I trim up the hairs with scissors and then go with the trimmer to keep it nice and trim. I don't like razoring because of the red bumps that I get. But using this little electric trimmer (bought it at walmart, how i hate that store, for like 15 bucks). And it keeps everything smooth.


As for what shape and style, it's all you m'dear

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If you plan on shaving, be sure to make sure your hair is atleast like 3-5mm long...soak up in warm water to open your pores, and I use soap- because shaving cream down there seems gross...and shave carefully and slowly...Then when you rinse, use a gentle exfoliant to avoid ingrown hairs and bumps. Never shave dry (without water or soap) and never shave hair that is too short. Ouch.


I personally want to try a brazzilian but I am too much of a wuss. Short and trimmed is ok too but I personally don't like hair.

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Imperceptible, you can only use that so far down, and most people i know that have tried using it, have all had reactions when using it on their bikini line!


Isin't there a warning not to use nair on mucous membranes and near the vulva?


Last time I used nair stupid me didn't do a sensitivity test and I had chemical burns on my entire legs and bikini line for weeks. If you do use nair, please do a small patch test every time you use it. I had used it before this one time without a problem, and without warning I had a reaction.

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well i dont have the bottle anymore, but i dont remember it saying anything like that. Just said to test it on your skin before using all over. Also to test new areas. So if you have used nair on the legs before dont just think it will work on your bikini line... i can use it on my legs, but nowhere else. The skin is too sensitive everywhere else.

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