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Don't wanna be alone.

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I've never had a girl friend in my life, 21 years old, getting on in years!

The mates I have including girls say I am a quite attractive lad, I think I am too, I mean I can go places and get similes from girls in the street I don't know, and when I go out too clubs the girls always approch me first before my mates, The thing is though alot of my life I've suffered with mental health problems, this held me back for proberly a good 18 years of my life, Every time i tried too talk too a girl they would loose intrest straight away, because I was not myself I never knew how I was going too behave around people. But now my heads alot better, and I want a girl friend but I have no intrest in anyone at the mo, the last girl I met the other week had a boyfriend I was a little disappointed I liked her and she then was my first Kiss that night, I frightend of ending up with someone who I don't really like, I want someone quite pretty, but I'm not that picky I mean I'm not looking for a britney spears look alike, Just some one I like, Will I find her?

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Being 21 myself, trust me, you don't need to hurry. You're still young. You can easily find someone! The way to keep from ending up with someone you "don't really like", is to take your time. You need to go out with the thought that you're open to new experiences and relationships, but not trying to find the girl of your dreams. If you go out SEEKING a wife, you may be too quick to make a decision. Trust me, you'll know when she's the right one for you if you take your time. Just be young, take it easy, and you'll find someone soon enough!


Good luck, she's out there!



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I'm 21 also, I never had a gf until I was 21. I am/was exactly like you.


Be confident and prepared when an opportunity comes. My first and only Ex was actually the one that called me first. Basically unless the girl is already likes you don't waste time on her. If she starts liking you, or liked you at first glance it should be your job to get to know her more.


But never even be worried that its not going to work out, who cares. Its better to stop early then to make her uncomfortable and yourself look bad. Really its up to her if she accepts of rejects you, but don't show her that!

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Stay cool dude. What's important for you is to find that inner confidence in yourself first. That's the first step you gotta take. You cannot make someone like you ...unless you like yourself.


When you are good and ready, go out there and socialise. You might not get to meet Britney...but u might meet someone who's richer in the heart and love one day.


Good luck!

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Take it a step at a time. Your 21, you are begginning to see the light house down the deserted highway. The reason why the highway is deserted is because you travel alone, and you are responsible for how your life turns out. Start meeting women. Go out to the clubs and introduce yourself to them, i bet there are plenty of women waiting for a chance to meet someone like you. Just be nice, confident, well mannered, and smile. you will find attracting women to be quite simple. Wome are just as nervous as you when you converse with them.

Hope this response finds you well


take care

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