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Who are you looking for?

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Everyone says they want that someone.


Who is that someone to you? What are the qualities you're looking for? What type of man/woman do you want to love?


Someone who loves to play football? Someone who likes astronomy? Someone who sings in the shower?

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I like how you asked your question - you mostly pointed out the small idiosyncratic things that a person might like about in their ideal mate - not the typical approach of asking what a person likes.


To start off, here are some traits that I admire. Someone who:


1. Tips - I like it when a guy tips waiters/waitresses. Ever been on a date where the person just WILL NEVER tip anyone? They refuse to tip servers? That bugs. When a guy tips a waiter/waitress and notices how he/she works hard, it makes me smile. I really like a person who's generous/kind hearted.


2. Enjoys humor - I like someone who likes to laugh and joke about the little things. I also love a guy who can just relax and enjoy the moment for what it is.


3. Braniac/is into his own things - if he has a fascination for something different - either building cars, collecting odd looking furry dolls lol..anything..it's cute! As long as he has his own interests/passions, that's always a bonus.


4. Creative - I like a guy who's kinda artsy like me. He's got to have some level of creativity. Artists just see the world in a different light. It makes me feel good when I can connect with someone who is also creative.


5. Gets along with a Sagitrius Rooster and is somewhat superstitious - not to the extreme.

6. Somewhat nastalgic.


7. Enjoyed the things I enjoyed while growing up.


8. Likes anything from sushi, dim sum, Mexican..Greek to italian food.


9. A skilled chef- lol. Not really, but he has to be somewhat of a chef, sorta like me. But, I like a man who KNOWS how to cook. Oh, and a personal massuese.


10. Knows when it's appropriate and when not to fart. Farting at the dinner table is just really rude, especially if he's going to do it right in front of my face.


11. Appreciates eduction/life-long learning. He never stops learning and actually takes pride in it.


12. Is aware of current events - not from just your typical broadcasting news stations.


13. Aware of certain propagandas, trash seen in media. Someone who isn't ignorant and doesn't take things at face value.


14. A deep thinker - someone who isn't a blacksheep and just goes along and takes in what he's told. I like someone who can look at something, analyze the situation and really understand the underlying situation.


15. Someone who doesn't go around preaching the bible.


16. Courteous - a very very attractive trait. If he's courteous towards adults, respects his family, and knows how to talk to children. Someone who respects/treats everyone of all ages right.


17. Family oriented- another important attribute for me.

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Well i dont think im looking for any particular person to love! I think love comes in the strangest forms and i dont really have a personal taste when it comes to guyz! True love is all that counts! Yeah i no i sound nieve but too bad its what i believe in! Saying this i do have a few things i prefer.

1. I love a guy who likes helping people out! someone who listens and actually cares about people.

2. Someone who will truly love me.

3. A guy that will never hurt me.

4. A person that makes me feel safe beyond belief.


Thats all i want and need!

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I don't understand. If most of us want that someone to have pretty much the same qualities (kindness, intelligence, etc.), why is it so hard for people to get together?
Because as human beings, we are all so complex in our own different ways, and not everyone comes into the a relationship with good intentions. Not everyone (although some people may exhibit similar personality traits/wants/values) comes into relationships with an open heart. Some people are very programed to be very selfish - so when they enter a relatiosnhip, they always enter with the mindset of "What's in it for me?" But, once they find someone they can't have, they start loving them. It also depends on maturity level, and people knowing who they are and what they want in life.
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Ugh, my actual list it too long to post. I'll just list a few...


Romantic, kind-hearted, sweet, loving, affectionate, warm, compassionate, caring, generous, polite (CAN'T stress this enough), gentle, cute, sexy... and the hardest to find of all... likes me for me. In other words, someone who actually wants to be with me (so hard to find a reciprocation of this last one).

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'If we all want the same qualities, why its hard so hard to get together?"


In my opinion Prenkle, its hard BECAUSE we all want the same things. What I mean is, it's human nature to be egocentric.


We are in our own heads every waking minute and only have one (ok two small) windows through which to view the outside world. Its hard to change that perspective. We know what WE like, what WE want...


Just seems to me that, going with the window analogy... pretend you're in your shop on main street looking out your window. You see someone standing in their shop accross the street looking out their window. Even though they are looking accross the same street you are, they have a completely view of the same world.


Change your view. See what others see. Put yourself in someone else's shop for no other reason that a change in perspective...

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I've found the perfect girl for me...the only problem is her parents won't let me talk to her....


These are the qualities I look for:


A person who is nice to everyone no matter what.

Likes Country music

Is shy

Will never drink, smoke or anything else like that

Likes or tolerates Pokemon

Likes to tell me what to do

Can handle mature and immature conversations

Is smart

Has AIM and/or MSN messenger


The list could go on and on....one thing I never care about is looks. I could be with the uglyist person on earth as long as they meet my qualifications.

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I'm looking for someone who:

--is honest, sincere, loyal, and trustworthy

--is compassionate

--is creative in some way (writing, drawing, acting, and/or singing)

--likes at least one sport (not really a requirement, but it's a bonus)

--is open-minded


--does not drink alcohol (or if he does, keeps it to a minimum), smoke, do drugs, chew tobacco, or act promiscuous

--has a sense of humor and can understand my jokes

--understands that I'm quiet and doesn't feel a need to fill in silence with chatter

--is able to have deep and light-hearted conversations

--believes in God, but does not force his beliefs on others

--is intelligent

--keeps up with current events (He doesn't have to know every little detail, but at least be aware of what's going on in the world)

--is affectionate and can deal with my being affectionate in return

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Unlike most of you I have no list of things I am looking for or not looking for...


I trust my instinct that I will know when I find it and don't believe that a list

would serve any purpose when it comes to love...


Past the obvious things that no one would get themselves involved with I am open to what and how that person is...


Do I think I will ever find them/it.... Not much anymore...

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The one who expects nothing in particular receives nothing in particular.


Wow I like that a lot. That's a great quote....


I gave everything I had for my ex, expected little in return...and that's what I got, very little. (Well little of what I wanted).


I want above all things, someone who not only loves, but appreciates me. Someone who will never take me for granted, and really appreciate love. Someone who asks me how my day was because he really cares, and not because he has to. Someone who wants to know EVERYTHING about me.


P/S - if he's a snowboarder, it's a definite bonus okay okay a surfer will do too...

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