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Hey!!, here's my Thread okay lets say you had a bit more than minor problems but alot self changing things you wanted to put them out all on a spider diagram and then turn the spider diagram into note form like ive done hear I know its long ,also I would like to say I am not expecting you as individuals to answer all these questions. But for you lot to just suggest 1 or 2 answers to my questions answering the ones your best at. e.g if say, your strong point is mingling in at party's you can just answer for that one question. Anyway here it is.

This is how I want to be as a person by the time summer break comes

I wanna be an interesting funny and all of what Im going to talk about and generally an easy to talk to guy I know all these things hav to come naturaly and alot of practice but read on.

Even though im not completley forgotten about at school I would like to Be the guy that people I know in and out of school will want to bring along to a movie or outing or invite to partys.

To make me a better conversationalst in 1 two 1 convo's and at partys and online.

idea's i have already got, do something new everyday although any ideas and quite diffucult,

if you do something new each day thats helpful, but first any ideas i thought trying new food listening to music i woulden't usally liten to even though that can get stressful and secondly wont that come of to the other person if your always telling the something you did that was unusal as Random and she will get the impression im a random type of guy (good and Bad)

What I want to archieve this year "BEING ALL THESE THINGS"

What I want to be like physicaly ( read on)

New topics to converse about

other than the basics i.e music , sports, T.V

How to break the ice with a confident girl but im a bit shy.

In one of my classes she sits 3 rows infront of me im moving into her french class

any french vocab I should use as a compliment only I don't have that much confidence in starting to chat in french to her! and there's a good chance I wont sit next to her.

Have intelligent responses to questions any at all, really when i say intelligent i just meen like not your average response to a question and if I want to get something out of the person I would know what exactly to say and then listen for a cue to route out of the convo with a different but similiar topic.

But with the girl there are some chances of small talking before class which is good what to say though.

again I havent fully got to know all the girls but trying to see what kind of person this girl is.

She knows how to walk on a cat walk. And she knows my name and that I exicist, only thing really confidently starting a convo in space of 2 to 3 mins just before class but knowing what to say

For what I want to be like physicaly more than just skin and bone any body builders out there ideas for this I have

work out a bit, or alot ,go do activities I usally do sit ups and press ups. "THANK U if you still reading "

Things Im going to start up to make my head more free of ideas and topics

Start skateboarding again well atleast using it as a form of transportation go to b-ball club a again. We've got a band so that be a form of freeing myself.

Read books cookery and maginzines, newspaper But usally in newspapers there is nothing that is non depressive to bring in a convo which doesn't really come of as a "FUN" topic. Also

Movie reviews.anymore things I can watch on T.V ,comedy , or something that you lot do that I could take up you neva know. programs you recomend also go see more movies expand my taste on music even though im very mixed with music.

Events that are coming up

Two summer partys

what i want to get out of this

Be confident ,witty, interesting and humorous I know all these things have to come naturaly

Just what topics can you recommend so I can use atleast one of these things up top at a party and attchlly small talk to a girl and interest her and come away satifyed with myself and then maybe later on in party come back to her and get her number or e-mail.

I want to be able to leave a convo with the other person feeling they want to talk to me more. I have got some ideas for getting around the number thing any extra ways of doing so.

How to make a good friendly first inpression over internet or face to face .I know basic topics but just want to sort of reply in clever but not sounding like a geek response and positve remaks that can get her to talk about herself and be able to joke around a bit with her and make her feel more comfortable around me.

also opinion openers if you want to mingle with a group of girls in a party how to go about doing so and if there are any team efforts say you and a friend approaching a group and being at this point the main focus any suggestions . Thank you if you got to this point...I hav mostly apprecitated it

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yo dude! well i suppose i consider myself not to be the most confident person around but for some reason ive become one of the most popular people at my uni. i can honestly say i know 80% of my year group (not all by name). to be honest, i dont really have a secret to it. i just be be. i find smiling a lot helps before initial contact and when i talk to people i sometimes think of the most random of convisations e.g. do u remember power rangers? i still like them. i download episodes when i can. bring up some happy childhod memories. (cartoons, things u or they used to do) i think randomness helps in convos even if it doesnt totally make sense and goes somewhere stupid. all the while just smile. then everytime they see you they associate and think of the convos youve had.

i also tell them observations ive made about n e thing which seem small but make it look like a big thing. e.g. why are oranges called oranges but lemons called lemons and not yellows???

when it comes to deep debates, i admit i used to shy away and not comment. but the most important thing to remember is that whatever u say, even if it doesnt make sense, counts. jut say whats on your mind. whats the worst that can happen? its just YOUR opinion. doesnt matter if someone disagrees cos thats what discussions are for.

i spose another point is to just ask when u got the chance (the girl in ur french class) "Hey, ive always said hey to u but i dont actually know much about u apart from u in my lessons and the catwalk thing. tell me about u..."

i bet ur thinking "easier said..." and the truth is it always is. but again whats the worst that can happen? she may scream and poke ur eyes out with her fingers just explode (if that happens, gimmie a call!!! lol)

these are just some tips ive pick up. give them a go. they may or may not work. nothing to lose, more to gain.


hope i was of help


the swordfish

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thanks for that swordfish I probably try the hi thing but theres to of them there both hot and there friends they seat next each uva right beside my table i wanted to say something to make them stop and go hey I wonna know that guy , I have thought of a couple of things but just how to get the guts for it mayb i shud just try and c

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