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Ok this is kinda funny rant actually..

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.. here you can see my hopes crumbling down like.. you know.. whatever..


so.... Last week I bumped into a girl who I'm interested in and there was only me and her in the corridor so it was real easy to start a conversation and everything seemed pretty much perfect, I was about to ask her out right then but she had to go and I didn't think of gettin her number because I want to ask her out in person.


Well, this was my next schoolday after that, we had a big exam and we made some eye contact before the exam started. She left a bit before I did and she seemed to be waiting for something near the examination halls (something other than her friends). Too bad that her friends did get to her before I did so she had to go with them. I went to bathroom and when I got out there to leave the schoolbuilding, she's suddenly right there at the door waiting for something. She had no intentions of going through that door, she was there like a guard lol. When I hit the corridor and see this, she smiles and looks at me, and wouldn't you know it but something clicked in my brain and I turned around and went the other way.


I keep walking there thinking "what am I doing??" and went to the other schoolbuilding. I check out a noticeboard downstairs and come up and there she is again, a guy friend of mine says hi to me, I say hi to him, the girl turns around and looks at me with a hopeful look on her face. I ignore her and stop walking to talk to my friend. She glances again while her friends are telling her to come along. I come back to my senses a bit and brush my friend off walking towards the door she's going through, she turns and glances AGAIN at me.. I do nothing, I was acting like a freaking retard or something..


Well, she and her friends are like 15 metres ahead of me, she.. you guessed, glanced (the hopeful look is slowly shifting to something between confused and angry as I just do nothing). One of the friends sets off to another direction, at this point I feel slightly relieved and figure that they are the friends I'm intimidated of. At next crossroads in like 40 metres she goes to another direction. The only really good decision by me today was not start stalking her or something because yeah, my brain was totally numb and I just couldn't say nothing. Haven't had anything like this for a while, probably the exams taking finally hold of me.


I see her next time in a couple of days. She'll be throwing bricks at me then 'cos I just saw she expected and wanted me to do something and I just didn't.


No honestly, I really hope she hasn't gotten all upset because of this and is next time all cold showing red light and stuff..


EDIT: incase you didn't notice, this story is based on facts but I wrote with a fun tone and was being sarcastic most of the time, just jokingly sharing my today's bad experience


Not to say of course that if you have some advice too, I'd love to hear it as well. I love information

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Your actions speak of nothing but absurd fear.


What is needed is not fear, nothing can grow from that.


Because you always miss if you never shoot right?


You are just scared of her appearance, that's the problem. Calm down and sharpen yourself, then there's no reason why you couldn't ask her out.


Cast off your fear, look forward, move forward , retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die.


Its a win win situation for you, if you ask her out and she says no , then you can move on with your life, if she says yes you got a date.


Go for the Gold. Life is like a boxing game, being afraid of getting hurt is useless because you WILL GET HURT, so might as wel beat the hell out of your opponent which is life.


Put your mind on zero, and ask her out.

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I am still astonished that English is your second language, if I am correct.

In which case, you write very well.

(If I am mistaken, do not be offended!)


I really do think you should talk to her.

She sounds interested, and you have nothing bit a little bit of pride to lose.

And pride is over-rated.


Good luck.

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hahah well thanks for the reply, I know exactly what I should be doing and you know, that was sarcastic, meant to be light and fun short story-like version of what really happened. If you paid attention you would have noticed that actually I managed to make a pretty much perfect conversation with her last time we met and would have asked her out be she had to go before I could do it.. Think I had just a tough exam day cos I was messing up like that.. oh well can't even tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Definitely not my day


EDIT: Darkblue, yea English is second language for me. Thanks, that's what I'm gonna do when I see her next time

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I loved your story and I must say it gives girls like me a bit of insight that there really are shy guys in the world who act weird around girls they like and that just cause a guy ignores you it doesn't mean he is not interested...btw yes, it does sound like she likes you..I suggest you do something about it.....FAST before she gets frustrated.

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Oh, it's totally true that men who are shy or whatever can act weird (especially ignoring or neglecting the object of their desire). It's an odd thing, really. Almost always ends up in frustration, yet it happens more often than people think. What a pain.

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well I saw her today on corridor. She was surrounded by her friends. It was more obvious than anything that she was perfectly aware of me approaching, but she ignored me completely. How nice of her


I'll see her tomorrow again, I'm gonna force a conversation because I know she wants it.

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well I saw her today on corridor. She was surrounded by her friends. It was more obvious than anything that she was perfectly aware of me approaching, but she ignored me completely. How nice of her


I'll see her tomorrow again, I'm gonna force a conversation because I know she wants it.



Yayy! We're in the same pitt!! Doesn't the cold shoulder just feel just delightful?? Let's fight this together!

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Don't wanna sound like a pesimist. But about 4 months ago, something similar happened to me, and I'm almost convinced now that it was... I did nothing, cause everytime I saw her I was with my friends, and I didn't know how to ditch them because the friends I had back then were constantly judging me and observing what I did, which is why I've made new friends... Anyway, I also was sort of depressed and going through an anger phase, plus I had no clue what to do... If it happened like NOW, I'd at least say hi, I think... But back then, I didn't do it, and from then on, I noticed the girl wasn't too happy, and she never glanced at me like she used to again... I never see her now, but very very rarely and from far away... Which is better than to keep running into her constantly I guess... Oh, and where are you from btw? Just curious... I'm from Venezuela Nice to meet you. Best wishes.

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Wow its contagious. yea with my similar situation... i wish i woulda said hi at least... Cuz now he doesn't even glance at me like he did.. But its not too late I hope!! and as for you as well, maybe if you go out of your way just to talk to her, she may forgive you! That's what im hoping anyways

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tt so she's being the most approachable person in the world with this new "I ignore you" -look.


Woah, I didn't open the chat today. Monday is my last chance to do it. If I blow this, I will never forgive myself.. I mean, I know she likes me.. and again I did just nothing. I managed to make her catch me looking at her a couple of times, and if that's best I can do, I really suck.




Monday... I never thought I'd be waiting for monday to come...

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well it's monday.. and I did get my mouth open, so woah.. I admit, I'm relieved for being back to normal and being able to talk again.


We had an exam, as we left I called her name, she looked at me (wasn't looking happy, the same look she has had last week when I was around). I asked about her exam, she answered but behaved a bit coldly. After few moments she suddenly lightened up, but very soon after that it occurred that we had to go to different directions to get our bags and stuff. So it sucks, I didn't find out more. Also she was with her friend but did talk to me.. as we went to different directions I heard she was relatively excited, she was suddenly... not mournful anymore


gotta be good stuff.. or me seeing good things in bad things




She seemed interested week ago. Only reason for her to act cold is because I didn't make a move. Well now I have showed that I'm interested in talking to her. Hope she counts 1 + 1 again and figures it doesn't equal zero.


I don't know what caused the sudden change in her mood in the middle of our chat, but I don't think it's impossible that it took her few moments to realize that "hey, maybe this guy likes me after all.."


I'll be seeing her again on wednesday. I won't mess this up anymore, I'll say "hi what's up" again and make her talk a bit and ask her out. She shouldn't be so dreadfully cold by then....

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ok another update, I saw her today. She a split second faster saying hi. Dang! Would have wanted to be first!


it gotta be good stuff though, she seemed really really happy about seeing me and I got her again talking about herself, smiling a lot and stuff.. we were walking from our school, unfortunately she suddenly said she had to go to the other direction (and off she went) and so I didn't ask her out yet. But oh well, she really seemed happy about talking to me.


I'll see her again.. tomorrow or friday. Gotta ask her out.

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