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Need help with shy guy???


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I am needing some help trying to figure out this guy at work. He has a very dry sense of humor and everyone around works sees him this way. He jokes around with people but only in a limited circle, most of them are people working on his shift. However we get along pretty good, I'm pretty much the only one he jokes around with that is not on his shift. Here the thing, he only jokes around almost borderline flirting with me when no one is around, but when other people are around he is very professional and quiet, even when his best friend is around. One time I was talking with a group of people and he just happened to be around at this time, well I was leaving and I had to turn around coz someone called my name and I saw him "checking me out", this has been a couple of months ago. He trained on my shift for a couple of months but we didn't talk a lot and didn't get close. We never have really had a decent conversation because of our schedules but we just click and joking around wth him comes naturally. Finally my question, could he like me? Is this why he feels so comfortable with me? He is not this way with anyone else on my shift, as far as I can see. I have known shy guys before but not this shy and I don't know if his actions are because he may like me or if this is how really shy guys act. Help Plz!!!

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Ask him out.


Its the only way you will get to know for sure how he feels about you.


A shy guy will never ask you out , so you will have to take the initiative.


Its a win win situation for you, if you ask him out and he says no, you can move on with your life, if he says yes you got a date.


You'l always miss if you never shoot right?


I know that you are feeling insecure, that's all the more reason to ask him out , because it will definitly make you sure about his position towards you and replace all of this non sense with security and clarity.

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He's not going to flirt with you in front of co-workers, I'm sure. So, I wouldn't take that as a sign he doesn't like you. Can you arrange for everyone to go out after work some night for drinks? Maybe then you'd have an opportunity to talk with him a bit more, but don't act in any way that you would regret the next day.

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I am in the process of finding out if he is seeing someone. He moved in from out of state, so I don't know if he followed someone here or what the story is. I'm pretty shy myself when it comes to guys I like, so if he is "available" I need to find a way to ask him out.

Just recently he began to touch me on my back, by patting it when he jokes around with me. And when we are in a room together we usually always make eye contact. I see these as good signs from him, right?

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This sounds like a very personal and respectable person; he would rather keep his personal affairs such. He seems to be managerial, and understand the time for work and for personal matters. He appears to be very respectful of feelings, and would not want to glorify such things as personal relationships--to him, they are private manners to be dealt with privately. Of course, that makes it difficult to determine what his personal feelings are; just as robowarrior suggested, ask him out--but respect his idea of privacy and ask him when you are alone.

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He has a great reputation at work, all of our coworkers thinks he's a great guy and that he is sweet and nice.

I just need some help on how do I let him know I like him without coming on too strong? I really like this guy and I don't want this possibility get a way from me. I'm very shy when it comes to guys that I like. Any suggestions or ideas would be great!!!

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You neeed to ask him out as soon as possible if you are worried about this possibility getting away from you. just wait until you are alone ask him if he would like go out for a coffee sometime then give him your number to arrange something so as to keep personal matters short at work. He may be worried about co-workers walking up and overhearing him talking personally. You must act before someone else does especially if other women at work know that you like him. If he really is a nice guy then you coming on too strong will not put him off in the slightest, he should be happy with your openness in letting him know how you feel. I am very shy with women because I have been hurt a lot in the past and I flirt with women and look in their eyes hoping they will ask me out. I think why is it up to me to make the first move. If he is in a managerial role or higher up the company than you he could be in lot of trouble professionally if he makes the first move. If a women in a managerial role asked a man out it would probably not be bad at all for her carreer because it is assumed that she is sincere whereas a man would be thought to be a player.It's not like your asking for sex or marriage, your just asking him out to get to know him better. If he is not interested at least you will know and can move on and find the love that you deserve. If he has someone he shouldn't be touching you when talking to you unless he is a player. Be careful of this because if he has recently moved he may not have been found out yet. You sound a little vulnerable and men who are players look for this to take advantage. Good luck with everything, you sound like a beautiful person.

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I am getting to be 100% sure he likes me as well. Yesterday when I saw him he justed asked how did the day go but we talked briefly, and today we really didn't talk to each other but a co worker was in the room and they were messing with something and our co worker said something and the guy I liked replied something but I didn't hear what he said but he looked over at me and turned red. Good sign? I think so. We are planning a get together after work in a couple of weeks and he said he was going to go. I don't think he is seeing anyone or I don't think he would have planned to go so far in advance.

I think this all sounds positive for me, right?

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