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please help me!!!!!!!

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ok heres my problem there is this girl i know we are friends but i think she likes me as more then a friend, and i like her as more then a friend last week we were going to go to the movies together we were planning to go all week, but on friday she didnt call me ,so i assumed she didnt wanna go ,but today in the weight room she barley spoke to me she told me she wasnt mad about the movies, but i think she was maybe she is just on her period, i hope she doesnt stay mad at me forever i really like her but i dont understand her she can be very happy to see me 1 day, and the next day if i say or do anything silly she will be pissed. i am really getting tired of this i mean what is her problem every month she goes through her stage where she cant stand me, i think she as low self esteem she thinks everyone likes her twin sister more then her, the other day i called her house to talk to her but she was at work so i talked to her sister for about 2 minutes, and i told her i would buy her something from kfc . could this be the reason why she is doing this. how can i get her to stop being mad @ me

only the strong survive
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Men never understand us women huh? . Anyhow...you said that she never called you for your date, maybe she expected you to call her. Or if she is insecure about her twin, then maybe she took your phone conversation with her sister the wrong way. The only way to find out is to ask her yourself why she has these mood swings. She might just be a plain out moody girl with mood swings (i know a friends that is like that...loves you one minutes, then hates you the next)!

Just make sure you don't seem as if you are trying to get to her sister because she is obviously insecure about that.

Good Luck

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In my own opinion, yes that may be what is making her mad. Insecurities like this "twin sister" one are pretty common, usually with friends more than sisters. I know you were being kind, and didn't mean it to come accross as you liking her sister more, but she probably sees it that way.


The truth is, there's only one person who knows why she is acting this way, and it's her. If you want to know where you two stand, you have to discuss it with her. You probably won't be able to sort it out without asking her why she's doing this. You need to express EXACTLY how you feel, and that may get her over the insecurities a little bit. Just give it a try, what have you got to loose.


Don't come accross as "angry" or "annoyed", just be friendly. Tell her that you like her this way, and say you are concerned because of the way she is acting towards you...


Good luck!


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well i dont know if you can completely get her to stop being mad at you, but it sounds like to me is that she feels the same way about you that you do about her. i think that if you make a move, but be very careful about it, and ask her out, or to whatever you want to do then if i were her i would accept.


good luck


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Hay man dont worry about it the problem is that most girls not to be mean have there days and maybe even months where they act like a complete and total *b... but ya just got to kiss some butt and theyll be nice the rest of the day i have three older sisters and they all treat me like crap all the time but worse when there on there period and yes it might be her period that makes her get pissed but it could also be that your doing little things to annoy her and the last thing you wanna do is annoy a girl when she is on her rag so just chill and talk to her and tell her how you feel when she does that to you when she treats you like crap even make her feel bad for doing it by tell her what you feel and then say "its Coo no big deal" and just walk away with a sad look on your face and every thing should be coo ohh and you might also want to ask her why she gets mad at you and that could prolly help as well

well bro hang in then we all go through crap like this so just chill and keep it real. lates

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you wanted me to post somethine well i know hows it going i had a bf for a while first we were friends then webroke up then i went to vist her we live in diff states she told me to kiss her she moved aagasint the wall like saying come on kiss me touch me but i couldn't she has a bf in nj which she has never met but her frined lives right by him adn shes that hes ok

i love this girl since the 7th grade and i'm in 9th i have been thinking of comiting sucide and i think i might do it soon i almost tried last night but i was to scared to do it i think that she doesn't deserve him. well i didn;t kiss her i told her why l8r that she has a bf she told me he would never find out then i left back home we don't talk anymore i mean a few ims we don't talk on the phone anymore i stilll love this girl i've sent her i long love email that told her about that there r 2 people in ur life u'll live with its up to u to chose shes mine i want her but i think becaues i didn;t kiss her she dones't want me anymore her screen name right now is i love carl i think that hes in for her looks doesn't care about her her self i i have always told her if u ever need help with money or anythng u can always come to me she said thanks i love her too much to let go i need help i hope that i can help u

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Dude, firstly don't get bogged down in all that period, time of the month, PMT stuff. Its almost never the answer and if it is then all i can suggest is the use of choclate and ice cream or cheesecake. women suprisingly enough are exactly the same as guys, they may pretend to be differant but in the end we all want the same thing, the perfect partner. If she has trouble with you talking to her twin, don't stop doing it, talk to her about it. I spend a lot of my life talking so take it from me, the only thing to do is to talk.

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I think swingfox is right abt this... you should really ask her how she feels towards you and let her know that her actions are really giving you mixed signals. Give her some time to cool down, and give yourself sometime to think about it carefully. Is this the kind of relationship that you want to get into? Coz when there's a 1st, there will be more of these similar outbursts coming up... high chance its due to her insecurity/inferior complex... find out, ask her.. if so, then re-assure her that your feelings for her are real... nothing to do with her twin sister. if need be, apologise! "Sorry" costs nothing but mean everything if done with sincerity. Even if she is the one that is over sensitive, you can still apologise for the misunderstanding. Suggestion: make her feel loved, not even more inferior.


Well, there's all i can say~ all the best to you~~

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Yeah, don't dwell on the PMS stuff. Take it from a girl, it may have something to do with it, but a girl with PMS will never say anything that she doesn't mean. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she means whatever she says. Kind of like every joke has some truth behind it.


I would think of the moodiness as somewhat of a blessing. At least you know that something is wrong. Some girls will hold everything inside and not even show that something is wrong until it's too late for you to fix it. So when you know something is wrong, you need to be willing to let her talk about it, and listen. And I mean really listen and offer to make whatever is wrong right. The key is to make sure she's willing to do the same for you.


As for the movie, it sounds like she was expecting you to call her. Thats likely the basis of why she's being moody now.


So all in all, you should talk to her. I would highly recommend in person, or at least over the phone. You will pick up many more subtle reactions from facial expressions or gestures or eye contact if you talk to her in person. I always seem to get into trouble when I talk to people on AIM about serious subjects. So ask her why she's mad. Don't play runaround games, cause you won't get the honest answer. And if things go well, try asking her where your relationship stands. Or at least ask her if you can try to go to the movies again this weekend.


Hope that helps.

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