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  1. I have loads of female friends and no problem talking to (most of ) them, however if I ever ask anyone out they say no and tell me that they are just not attracted to me. I recently asked a friend (who turned me down) to write a character referance for me and she had trouble finding three bad points about me. I am 22 and have never so much as even kissed a girl, let alone gone out with anyone. I have confidence and while slightly large don't believe I am that unattractive. I have personality and a great sense of Humour. What else can I do to find someone who loves me?
  2. Listen as far as being used goes i am a door mat. I get stepped all over and trodden on, but thats simply a nice guys finnish last thing. However I find its always best to firstly sit down and get things straight in your own head. Is this an always or an occaisionally? The issue with the weeds is a bit of a strange one as it sounds as if it could simply have been a situation in which he simply could not leave until it was done and you helping would speed things up. However where money is concerned it is always best to be wary, a relationship is a shared thing as is the cost of it. If in doubt talk to him, words cost nothing but can solve everything.
  3. Dude, firstly don't get bogged down in all that period, time of the month, PMT stuff. Its almost never the answer and if it is then all i can suggest is the use of choclate and ice cream or cheesecake. women suprisingly enough are exactly the same as guys, they may pretend to be differant but in the end we all want the same thing, the perfect partner. If she has trouble with you talking to her twin, don't stop doing it, talk to her about it. I spend a lot of my life talking so take it from me, the only thing to do is to talk.
  4. I'm in love with one of my best friends. I have ben now for two years, but haven't really had the courage to tell her exactly how I feel. She is the only person ever to have made me feel this way, I am 22 and have never had a girlfriend before, i have fancied only one other girl before, and that didn't work out as she was not attracted to me. However with K it is a differant feeling altogether. I kind of suggested i liked her last year, but nothing really came of it, however my feelings have intensified and now I really need to know wether I should tell her how i feel or leave it well alone? If so how should i tell her? I live in south of england and she is moving back to northern Ireland soon. Does this affect what I should do? Larian
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